Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness

by Owen Waters –

Love is the saving grace of all of humanity. We contact this primal energy in our finest moments. From the moment a baby is born, it is enshrouded in the unselfish love of its mother. From the moment a person springs into action to save others from peril, their own thoughts of survival are ‘overlighted’ by the love and caring that shines from their heart.

When a person dies and reviews their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it.

Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others.

Let your heart open to love each and every day. Start the day in meditation and prayer for the healing and well-being of others and you will invoke a beautiful flow of natural energy through yourself. It truly is a great way to start each day because it sets the tone and the energy flow for the day.

When you are attuned to the natural flow of love throughout the universe, you then feel the natural flow of energy within your own universe. Your senses of insight and timing develop to help you achieve more and to succeed easily at the tasks that are important to you.

The flow of love is critical to life. Without the love of the Divine Mother which fills the universe, nothing would exist. For centuries, humankind has been playing a game where love and inner inspiration have been blocked off and ignored. Today, the tide is turning and people are opening up to this wonderful flow of natural energy.

Remember the love within, especially when outer circumstances seem dark. Remember that love is the gateway to the higher realms of consciousness where answers can be found to meet every challenge that life presents.

Tune into love. It will never let you down. Instead, it will set your spirit free to explore the realms of consciousness which offer greater vistas of awareness, greater peace of mind, and the sense of ever-present joy.

Exercise for the Spirit


by Marlene Buffa – 

Puzzles exercise our mind. We all know that keeping our minds stimulated increases our knowledge of the world we live in and contributes to our sense of well-being and fun. An active, healthy mind, hungry to learn more and explore new ideas enhances not only ourselves, but those around us. Physical workouts improve our bodies. The ancient Greeks developed the Olympic Games to demonstrate their physical prowess. Some 2500 years later, we still move in perfect form to create the physique we desire and sweat to the satisfaction of a job well done. 
 We clearly understand the need for practice and reaching beyond our current state of well-being when it comes to mental and physical inertia. But when our spiritual life – that less tangible, invisible, subjective and mystical part of ourselves – suffers from stagnation or neglect, we consider a self-imposed regimen of psyche rut-wrenching as unsophisticated or garish. Equally as important as our earthly experience benefiting from focused exercise, our spiritual journey blossoms under the tutelage of our attention and action.

Stretch your form 

Nothing gets you going in the morning like a good stretch. Just take a look at your pets. When they arise from a nap, they take a moment to stretch and enjoy the feeling of their muscles reawakening to the world. A reaching leg or arched back motion momentarily changes our pet’s appearance, yet the body remains self-contained. Our spiritual stretch ignites within us the quality of staying within the comfort zone of our spiritual form while extending the reach of our beliefs. 
 Take a quiet moment in the morning or evening or even during the day, to stretch your spirit. 
 Reach beyond what you believe to consider the status quo of dare to formulate new ways to relate to your creator. Spirit lives inside of you. You – the magnificent, unique creation of God! Allow yourself the elasticity of your connection to the Infinite and tickle the boundaries of your beliefs with the flexibility of possibilities.

Push Out 

Fitness trainers tell us weight exercise consists of pushing and pulling motions. When we push things away, we strengthen and lengthen the muscle fibers associated with that movement. By pushing out the heavy ideas of our tired, old beliefs, we strengthen the core of our spiritual structure. And, for every push, there exists a return motion, in keeping with the laws of physics. 
We steadily and smoothly move out ingrained notions of dogma and doctrine which no longer serve us, while these beliefs return to us in a transformed state. 
 We build up our ability to not only more easily push away these ideas in the future, we gain the ability to control how this thinking affects us from now on. 
 In pushing away, we distance ourselves from ideas which no longer serve us and in the reactive process, the ideas return to us and more likely to conform to our newly found spiritual strength. Push out limitation, lack and unworthiness. Welcome back the energy of those concepts as possibility, abundance and deserving.

Pull In 

In keeping with the laws of motion (and of physics), when we pull in new ideas, we keep the balance by cycling out old notions, as well. During your day, your mind notices and records thousands of things. Probably 90% of what exists goes unrecorded in your conscious mind. Your perception, glorious and unique, takes in just about everything, but your mind can’t possibly process it all. 
We can only take in and assimilate a small amount of “what is.” When we pull into our spirituality the blessings we see, we replace the cloudy day with feelings of gratitude. 
 The cloudy day still exists, we merely shift the negative focus to a benign “given” in our world. The very exercise of inviting – or pulling in – positive things in our world allows for a strengthening of our awareness and recognition of the beautiful world around us. Our earthly minds handle only a small percentage of what we pull in, why not make it good?

Push Up 

Gravity. Thank you Sir Isaac Newton. Our human bodies are pretty much weighted down to the earth. Sure, pole vaulters, daredevils and others scratched the edges of dear old gravity, but the truth of its retraction ultimately wins out. Our heavy, tired beliefs weigh us down while we drag our feet to the beat of their somber hymns. We realize by pushing ourselves up, we acknowledge and use our spiritual power to rise above our old thought patterns. 
Soaring with our earthly tethers, we rise above the smog of polluted thoughts which cloud our happiness, all the while remaining grounded in our very human form. 
 Life invites you to view loftier opportunities you can’t see while held down by your gravity-burdened vantage point of anxiety and blame and negativity. The Universe unreels the kite strings and allows you to explore further beyond what you ever dreamed possible to see your glorious life in a new perspective – that of possibility and opportunity. 
The irony is that everything on earth stays the same –the act of pushing yourself away from the gravity of the life you resigned yourself to live – frees your spirit to see things you couldn’t possibly notice while on the floor.


Push, pull, soar, expand – all these spiritual calisthenics! When life comes at us (sometimes with a vengeance), we move with adrenaline-like speed through our spiritual growth, leaving us panting and gasping for understanding. Just as our bodies require oxygen to process our systems and sustain and promote growth, our spirit needs the air of life to facilitate our souls. 
Inhaling and exhaling – we need both – whether deliberate or unaware, provide the movement of invisible fuel for the constant furnace of our existence. Take time to pant – and be grateful that life provides you with so much to learn, so many opportunities for growth, that you grow exhausted from all the possibilities. Remember to breathe, too. 
Controlled, steady breaths of God-like nourishment reach every cell in your body and touch every nuance of your soul. 
 When you lovingly accept the air of life, you discard vapors of expended notions you no longer require. Breathe – take in the invisible elements of life, allow your breath to feed and transform you – and exhale what you no longer need.


Our bodies sleep. Our minds never rest. Even in sleep, the mind delivers dreams to us, solves problems, answers questions, rejuvenates our perspective. We’ve heard truisms from “just sleep on it,” to help in decision making, to “things will look better in the morning,” to readjust our attitude. 
Rest provides an unequaled blessing of resetting ourselves. 
 Just like in a restless night when we fail to will ourselves to sleep, our spiritual selves often suffer from our forced attempts at transformation. My wise doctor once explained her reasoning for not prescribing sleeping pills. “When it’s time to sleep, your body will rest. Trust your body to take care of itself.” Similarly, we feed ourselves with a feast of “shoulds” for our spiritual growth. Fitness trainers again, tell us that through exercise we break down tissue. 
In our rest, muscle tissue rebuilds itself to even greater strength. Resting from our labor creates the change we desire. 
 We gladly perform gentle exercises to empower our souls for greater absorption of the good around and within us. All the stretching, pushing and pulling serve to prepare us for the inevitable soul transformation that occurs as we trust God and Life with our spiritual evolution – when we finally rest.

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Exercise for the Spirit


by Marlene Buffa –

Puzzles exercise our mind. We all know that keeping our minds stimulated increases our knowledge of the world we live in and contributes to our sense of well-being and fun. An active, healthy mind, hungry to learn more and explore new ideas enhances not only ourselves, but those around us. Physical workouts improve our bodies. The ancient Greeks developed the Olympic Games to demonstrate their physical prowess. Some 2500 years later, we still move in perfect form to create the physique we desire and sweat to the satisfaction of a job well done. We clearly understand the need for practice and reaching beyond our current state of well-being when it comes to mental and physical inertia. But when our spiritual life – that less tangible, invisible, subjective and mystical part of ourselves – suffers from stagnation or neglect, we consider a self-imposed regimen of psyche rut-wrenching as unsophisticated or garish. Equally as important as our earthly experience benefiting from focused exercise, our spiritual journey blossoms under the tutelage of our attention and action.

Stretch your form – Nothing gets you going in the morning like a good stretch. Just take a look at your pets. When they arise from a nap, they take a moment to stretch and enjoy the feeling of their muscles reawakening to the world. A reaching leg or arched back motion momentarily changes our pet’s appearance, yet the body remains self-contained. Our spiritual stretch ignites within us the quality of staying within the comfort zone of our spiritual form while extending the reach of our beliefs. Take a quiet moment in the morning or evening, or even during the day, to stretch your spirit. Reach beyond what you believe to consider the status quo of dare to formulate new ways to relate to your creator. Spirit lives inside of you. You – the magnificent, unique creation of God! Allow yourself the elasticity of your connection to the Infinite and tickle the boundaries of your beliefs with the flexibility of possibilities.

Push Out – Fitness trainers tell us weight exercise consists of pushing and pulling motions. When we push things away, we strengthen and lengthen the muscle fibers associated with that movement. By pushing out the heavy ideas of our tired, old beliefs, we strengthen the core of our spiritual structure. And, for every push, there exists a return motion, in keeping with the laws of physics. We steadily and smoothly move out ingrained notions of dogma and doctrine which no longer serve us, while these beliefs return to us in a transformed state. We build up our ability to not only more easily push away these ideas in the future, we gain the ability to control how this thinking affects us from now on. In pushing away, we distance ourselves from ideas which no longer serve us, and in the reactive process, the ideas return to us and more likely to conform to our newly found spiritual strength. Push out limitation, lack and unworthiness. Welcome back the energy of those concepts as possibility, abundance and deserving.

Pull In – In keeping with the laws of motion (and of physics), when we pull in new ideas, we keep the balance by cycling out old notions, as well. During your day, your mind notices and records thousands of things. Probably 90% of what exists goes unrecorded in your conscious mind. Your perception, glorious and unique, takes in just about everything, but your mind can’t possibly process it all. We can only take in and assimilate a small amount of “what is.” When we pull into our spirituality the blessings we see, we replace the cloudy day with feelings of gratitude. The cloudy day still exists, we merely shift the negative focus to a benign “given” in our world. The very exercise of inviting – or pulling in – positive things in our world allows for a strengthening of our awareness and recognition of the beautiful world around us. Our earthly minds handle only a small percentage of what we pull in, why not make it good?

Push Up – Gravity. Thank you Sir Isaac Newton. Our human bodies are pretty much weighted down to the earth. Sure, pole vaulters, daredevils and others scratched the edges of dear old gravity, but the truth of its retraction ultimately wins out. Our heavy, tired beliefs weigh us down while we drag our feet to the beat of their somber hymns. We realize by pushing ourselves up, we acknowledge and use our spiritual power to rise above our old thought patterns. Soaring with our earthly tethers, we rise above the smog of polluted thoughts which cloud our happiness, all the while remaining grounded in our very human form. Life invites you to view loftier opportunities you can’t see while held down by your gravity-burdened vantage point of anxiety and blame and negativity. The Universe unreels the kite strings and allows you to explore further beyond what you ever dreamed possible to see your glorious life in a new perspective – that of possibility and opportunity. The irony is that everything on earth stays the same –the act of pushing yourself away from the gravity of the life you resigned yourself to live – frees your spirit to see things you couldn’t possibly notice while on the floor.

Breathe – Push, pull, soar, expand – all these spiritual calisthenics! When life comes at us (sometimes with a vengeance), we move with adrenaline-like speed through our spiritual growth, leaving us panting and gasping for understanding. Just as our bodies require oxygen to process our systems and sustain and promote growth, our spirit needs the air of life to facilitate our souls. Inhaling and exhaling – we need both – whether deliberate or unaware, provide the movement of invisible fuel for the constant furnace of our existence. Take time to pant – and be grateful that life provides you with so much to learn, so many opportunities for growth, that you grow exhausted from all the possibilities. Remember to breathe, too. Controlled, steady breaths of God-like nourishment reach every cell in your body and touch every nuance of your soul. When you lovingly accept the air of life, you discard vapors of expended notions you no longer require. Breathe – take in the invisible elements of life, allow your breath to feed and transform you – and exhale what you no longer need.

Rest – Our bodies sleep. Our minds never rest. Even in sleep, the mind delivers dreams to us, solves problems, answers questions, rejuvenates our perspective. We’ve heard truisms from “just sleep on it,” to help in decision making, to “things will look better in the morning,” to readjust our attitude. Rest provides an unequaled blessing of resetting ourselves. Just like in a restless night when we fail to will ourselves to sleep, our spiritual selves often suffer from our forced attempts at transformation. My wise doctor once explained her reasoning for not prescribing sleeping pills. “When it’s time to sleep, your body will rest. Trust your body to take care of itself.” Similarly, we feed ourselves with a feast of “shoulds” for our spiritual growth.

Fitness trainers again, tell us that through exercise we break down tissue. In our rest, muscle tissue rebuilds itself to even greater strength. Resting from our labor creates the change we desire. We gladly perform gentle exercises to empower our souls for greater absorption of the good around and within us. All the stretching, pushing and pulling serve to prepare us for the inevitable soul transformation that occurs as we trust God and Life with our spiritual evolution – when we finally rest.

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Being Spiritually Aware


by Evette Gardner – 

It does not take a great effort (or any effort at all actually) to grow in spiritual awareness. Just be aware, that’s all. Spiritual awareness is simply about being mindful of spiritual Truths. You don’t have to go around obsessing about these Truths to be aware of them. Nor is there really any need to constantly immerse yourself in deep thought in order to break through and “see the (spiritual) light.” Spiritual awareness is not something that you can gain by force. You cannot compel yourself to become more spiritually aware, you merely have to be open to what is already within you.

Are you aware that the sky is blue? Or that sugar tastes sweet? These truths, in general, are universally elementary. Realizing them does not take any degree of deep thought or obsessive contemplation. They are just things that you are aware of. You don’t have to go around constantly reminding yourself that the sky is blue or that sugar tastes sweet. Why? Because these are truths which you don’t bother to doubt or question. You just accept them. And your acceptance is what informs your awareness. Whether the awareness is a spiritual awareness or the common sense awareness of the sky being blue, it’s all the same. Your acceptance is what causes you to be aware, just as it is your doubt which causes you to be unaware. You cannot perceive what you do not believe. This is a spiritual law.

Your personal reality is a reflection of your beliefs. 

Your life experience is an expression of the ideas you have chosen to accept as true. Therefore, your reality is different from his reality because each of you (unique expressions of the One God) accepts a different array of ideas as true. Spiritual awareness is about transcending the darkness of your personal reality (a manifestation of your beliefs) into the light of The One Truthful Reality which is common to All. How do you transcend the darkness? The answer is simple – by accepting the light. Every time you let go of a false belief, you grow in spiritual awareness. You accept Truth by letting go of fallacy. Acceptance is about letting go, surrendering, completely giving yourself over to something. You want to grow in spiritual awareness? Simply be accepting of spiritual Truths. But how do you identify a spiritual Truth from a personal “truth?”

Spiritual Truths (with a capital T) evoke good feelings. 

These Truths stand alone, unadorned by justification or underlying desires. A Spiritual Truth is never a reason for anything. A spiritual Truth simply Is, and that is all. 
For instance, I am powerful is a spiritual Truth. I am worthy is a spiritual Truth. However, I am powerful because I am rich is not a spiritual Truth. I am worthy because I am giving is not a spiritual Truth. These are not spiritual Truths because they rely on reason to substantiate them. These may, however, be examples of personal “truths. ” I say personal because these ideas and experiences are not common to All; but nevertheless may qualify as a “truth” (with a lower case t) in the sense that these ideas and understandings may be true to your experience because you have chosen to accept them as true. 
Personal truths are not synonymous with spiritual Truths, they are synonymous with delusions. Growing in spiritual awareness means letting go of these delusions.

Every time you let go of a delusion you grow in spiritual awareness. Every time you accept an idea which not only feels good, but is not adorned by any justification, you grow in spiritual awareness.

Spiritual awareness begins and ends within. This means it takes your being able to recognize spiritual Truths within yourself in order for these Truths to be apparent to you in the world around you. All of the universe is but a reflection of You, some aspect of You (as Spirit). But if you are unable to recognize yourself as Spirit, you will likewise not recognize yourself reflected in All that surrounds you. You are perfecting your knowledge of Self in spiritual awareness. 

As you come to more and more see your Self in others (not just people, but things, places, phenomena… literally everything) you become more spiritually aware. It doesn’t take effort. It simply takes an open mind and an open heart to accelerate your spiritual awareness. You can be mindful of spiritual Truths without spending untold hours dwelling on them, just as it you can be mindful that sugar tastes sweet without obsessively reminding yourself of this fact.
If you are truly accepting of a spiritual Truth you will be mindful of it regardless of whether or not you are directly thinking about It. The only effort expended in developing spiritual awareness is the effort it takes to convince yourself to be accepting of the Truths you have thus far rejected. If you truly want to believe you will. Like planting a seed, the real work in raising it up will not be done by your hand it will just be done. Have faith. You cannot help but to grow in spiritual awareness.

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7 Facets of Spiritual Awareness


by Owen Waters –

Life can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation, you can start each day by raising your frequency of consciousness above the mundane, work-a-day level into the spiritual realms of consciousness.

Here are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Infinite Being meditation technique is particularly effective.

1. Flow

A sense of flow attracts synchronicity into your life’s events. This almost magical sense enables you to always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time in order to gain the most out of the experiences that the complete you, your inner self, planned for this life.

2. Unconditional Love

You develop a sense of unconditional love for the inner, spiritual essence of all the people that you connect with in your life. Even the difficult people, as they are often holding up a mirror for you to understand an aspect of past habits which, deep down, you would like to examine at this time.

Your sense of unconditional love naturally includes full acceptance of yourself, just as you are, with the personality that you adopted for this lifetime of experience. You can catch those old thought patterns of self-criticism and remember that you live in a universe which is naturally full of love and unconditional acceptance.

3. Abundance

Accept abundance as the natural flow of the universe. Forget those opinions about there being something wrong with money. It’s a form of energy and the universe is filled with energy. Life gets a lot more convenient when you are abundant. It gets really inconvenient when you are not.

When you follow your innermost joy, you find yourself doing work that you love and find absorbing. When you find your work absorbing, you become very good at it, without feeling that it took a lot of effort to become that highly skilled. 

When you are good at your work, employers and customers alike hear about you by word-of-mouth recommendation and they seek you out. The more in-demand your services become, the more they are worth. Following your inner joy is the secret to finding and developing an occupation which brings natural abundance.
4. Intuitive Insight
Both men and women find that, with regular spiritual practices, their sense of intuition develops smoothly and naturally. Soon, your insights grow to become very valuable in dealing with the challenges of life.

5. Creativity

A growing sense of creativity becomes apparent when spiritual practices become your daily routine. You discover new ways to achieve results because you see situations from a broader perspective.

6. Wisdom

Advances in spiritual wisdom and understanding come with deep meditation. In meditation, it is important to let distracting, surface thoughts dissipate so that deeper realizations may surface at the time that they are needed.

7. Raising World Consciousness

When you detach from worldly concerns and express a higher frequency of consciousness, the conflicts of the lower frequencies of consciousness become automatically healed. When you let go of any form of conflict within yourself, you are able to rise to a higher frequency of consciousness in a state of harmony and balance.

Higher frequencies of consciousness hold a higher power. Not just a slightly higher power. The power ratio of spiritual consciousness to conflict-oriented consciousness is many thousands to one. If you allow balance to enter your life through a spiritual state of consciousness, it will manifest immediately and very powerfully in your daily life. You will also be helping to raise the global consciousness in a very powerful and constructive manner.

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Opportunities and Abundance

by Janice Olson –

Dearest Ones, I have come to tell you that no matter how things may seem right now, abundance is Divinely promised to you. You are accomplishing the life goals you set before incarnating and everything is occurring just as it should. As the influence of your ego decreases, your heart, mind and soul more easily comprehends the opportunities and abundance available to all of the Divine’s children.

You deserve all the goodness and blessings coming to you. But, some of you are wondering, ‘when will my rewards come?” and to this I say, they will come when you are ready to accept them. So many of you don’t realize the blessed work you are already doing or not giving yourself enough credit for what you do. Many lightworkers feel they aren’t doing enough right now and as a messenger of the Divine, I am here to tell you that you are making a big difference! You are fulfilling your life purpose in both big and small ways! Your spirit is growing in leaps and bounds every day in many ways. And, the Divine realm recognizes this type of growth isn’t always easy when a soul is grounded into the physical body.

You have chosen to walk this path and are doing just what is expected of you. Many of you have even surpassed what you expected to accomplish on your path and discern that your life has so much purpose! You have so much to give and there is so much that you can still do.

And many of you wonder, how can I get to the point in my life where I am fully living my purpose? My suggestion to you is to prioritize, set definitive goals and keep your life in balance by consciously shielding against negativity, cutting negative etheric cords and keeping your chakras clear and bright.

You are successfully accomplishing the tasks you set for yourself when you designed your life plan. Most of you are coming to the end of a very complex cycle that is part of a larger overall earthly [not to mention galactic and universal] cycle. You lucky ones are entering into a new pattern of success and abundance. It’s time to push past any remaining obstacles and let yourself be reborn into the spirit of joy and abundance.

What you desire can be yours as you are a part of everything already. Move forward with joy and radiate love to the world around you. The Divine is presenting everyone with choices now. You may not be sure which choice is the right one. I encourage you to be open to new ideas and not to let fear or a materialistic view of life make the choice for you. There are many different layers of reality-old philosophies may not clarify truth in the way you would have expected in the past.

Though things in your life may seem to be moving fast, you will be able to keep up by staying in tune with your inner rhythm. Push forward with an optimistic outlook and be willing to take some risks. Positive changes made now will increase your confidence in pursuing your goals and dreams. You are qualified and have passed your trials successfully.

Make a conscious commitment to serve the higher forces of the heavens. Build your new world in beauty and light. Use your insight to help others around you as they awaken to their own inner divinity. Be flexible in your beliefs and don’t put all your faith in sweeping statements that don’t resonate deep inside your soul. The Divine is working through all of you and each individual has the opportunity to choose their own focal point through which they perceive life. No one person has all the answers but all individual truths are a part of a superior universal truth.

You are on a path of light and your inner visions also reflect the Divine truth. Whatever you wish to conquer, you must also serve. What you judge is an indication of what needs healing. You can learn how to silence the ego so you’ll feel more confident and live life in joy and abundance. When the ego is mastered you understand that you’ve always been on a path of light and live your purpose every day. Once you triumph over darkness, you become a steady beacon of light for the rest of the world to emulate.

Live in your Light and let it shine! This Divine Light will bless all who come into contact with you. The angels and the holy spirits stand by your side devoted in love and ready to assist, support, guide and protect. The Divine resides within and in all creation. Know that I know each of you by name and am forever only a thought away for all humans, animals and life on earth. In Light, in Love and in Spirit, Archangel Michael.

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Opportunities and Abundance

by Janice Olson –

Dearest Ones, I have come to tell you that no matter how things may seem right now, abundance is Divinely promised to you. You are accomplishing the life goals you set before incarnating and everything is occurring just as it should. As the influence of your ego decreases, your heart, mind and soul more easily comprehends the opportunities and abundance available to all of the Divine’s children.

You deserve all the goodness and blessings coming to you. But, some of you are wondering, ‘when will my rewards come?” and to this I say, they will come when you are ready to accept them. So many of you don’t realize the blessed work you are already doing or not giving yourself enough credit for what you do. Many lightworkers feel they aren’t doing enough right now and as a messenger of the Divine, I am here to tell you that you are making a big difference! You are fulfilling your life purpose in both big and small ways! Your spirit is growing in leaps and bounds every day in many ways. And, the Divine realm recognizes this type of growth isn’t always easy when a soul is grounded into the physical body.

You have chosen to walk this path and are doing just what is expected of you. Many of you have even surpassed what you expected to accomplish on your path and discern that your life has so much purpose! You have so much to give and there is so much that you can still do.

And many of you wonder, how can I get to the point in my life where I am fully living my purpose? My suggestion to you is to prioritize, set definitive goals and keep your life in balance by consciously shielding against negativity, cutting negative etheric cords and keeping your chakras clear and bright.

You are successfully accomplishing the tasks you set for yourself when you designed your life plan. Most of you are coming to the end of a very complex cycle that is part of a larger overall earthly [not to mention galactic and universal] cycle. You lucky ones are entering into a new pattern of success and abundance. It’s time to push past any remaining obstacles and let yourself be reborn into the spirit of joy and abundance.

What you desire can be yours as you are a part of everything already. Move forward with joy and radiate love to the world around you. The Divine is presenting everyone with choices now. You may not be sure which choice is the right one. I encourage you to be open to new ideas and not to let fear or a materialistic view of life make the choice for you. There are many different layers of reality-old philosophies may not clarify truth in the way you would have expected in the past.

Though things in your life may seem to be moving fast, you will be able to keep up by staying in tune with your inner rhythm. Push forward with an optimistic outlook and be willing to take some risks. Positive changes made now will increase your confidence in pursuing your goals and dreams. You are qualified and have passed your trials successfully.

Make a conscious commitment to serve the higher forces of the heavens. Build your new world in beauty and light. Use your insight to help others around you as they awaken to their own inner divinity. Be flexible in your beliefs and don’t put all your faith in sweeping statements that don’t resonate deep inside your soul. The Divine is working through all of you and each individual has the opportunity to choose their own focal point through which they perceive life. No one person has all the answers but all individual truths are a part of a superior universal truth.

You are on a path of light and your inner visions also reflect the Divine truth. Whatever you wish to conquer, you must also serve. What you judge is an indication of what needs healing. You can learn how to silence the ego so you’ll feel more confident and live life in joy and abundance. When the ego is mastered you understand that you’ve always been on a path of light and live your purpose every day. Once you triumph over darkness, you become a steady beacon of light for the rest of the world to emulate.

Live in your Light and let it shine! This Divine Light will bless all who come into contact with you. The angels and the holy spirits stand by your side devoted in love and ready to assist, support, guide and protect. The Divine resides within and in all creation. Know that I know each of you by name and am forever only a thought away for all humans, animals and life on earth. In Light, in Love and in Spirit, Archangel Michael.

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Living in Spirit

by Wayne W. Dyer –

Starting an Inspiration Practice: Five ways to live each day ‘in Spirit’ – These daily practices will help you move toward Spirit in your thoughts and actions.

1. Commit to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. For example, before I begin my daily routine of exercise, meditation, or writing, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. On one occasion I wrote to the president of the university I graduated from to start a scholarship fund, on another day I took a calendar to the yard man, on another I sent a check to Habitat for Humanity, and on another I sent three rolls of postage stamps to my son who’d just started his own business. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit.

2. Become conscious of all thoughts that aren’t aligned with your Source. The moment you catch yourself excluding someone or having a judgmental thought, say the words “in-Spirit” to yourself. Then make a silent effort to shift that thought to match up with Source energy.

3. In the morning before you’re fully awake, and again as you’re going to sleep, take one or two minutes of what I call “quiet time with God.” Be in a state of appreciation and say aloud, “I want to feel good. ”

4. Remind yourself of this statement: My life is bigger than I am. Print it out and post it strategically in your home, car, or workplace. The “I” is your ego identification. Your life is Spirit flowing through you unhindered by ego—it’s what you showed up here to actualize—and is infinite. The “I” that identifies you is a fleeting snippet.

5. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. You are greatness personified, a resident genius, and a creative master—regardless of anyone’s opinion. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.

excerpt from ‘Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling’
beliefnet. com/Health/2006/04/Starting-An-Inspiration-Practice. aspx

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Living in Spirit

by Wayne W. Dyer – 

Starting an Inspiration Practice: 
Five ways to live each day ‘in Spirit’. These daily practices will help you move toward Spirit in your thoughts and actions.

1. Commit to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. 

For example, before I begin my daily routine of exercise, meditation or writing, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. 

On one occasion I wrote to the president of the university I graduated from to start a scholarship fund, on another day I took a calendar to the yard man, on another I sent a check to Habitat for Humanity, and on another I sent three rolls of postage stamps to my son who’d just started his own business. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit.

2. Become conscious of all thoughts that aren’t aligned with your Source. 

The moment you catch yourself excluding someone or having a judgmental thought, say the words “in-Spirit” to yourself. Then make a silent effort to shift that thought to match up with Source energy.

3. In the morning before you’re fully awake, and again as you’re going to sleep, take one or two minutes of what I call “quiet time with God.” 

Be in a state of appreciation and say aloud, “I want to feel good. ”

4. Remind yourself of this statement: My life is bigger than I am. 

Print it out and post it strategically in your home, car, or workplace. The “I” is your ego identification. Your life is Spirit flowing through you unhindered by ego—it’s what you showed up here to actualize—and is infinite. The “I” that identifies you is a fleeting snippet.

5. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. 

You are greatness personified, a resident genius, and a creative master—regardless of anyone’s opinion. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.

excerpt from ‘Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling’

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The Wisdom of Alchemy

by Jim Self –

Creating Your Heaven on Earth – Alchemy is not magic; however, it does produce very wonderful and magical results. When you are aligned, alchemy is the Universal Wisdom that nurtures creations into tangible reality. It is the Science of Spirituality. It is the dance that weaves the universal elements into conscious form. Alchemy is the ability to transform one possibility into another.

By first accepting and then understanding that all things are possible, you are then able to intentionally transform one possibility into another. By learning to simply change one vibrational thought, feeling or belief into another, you will begin to understand how to create and sustain Well-Being, Abundance and Joy, effortlessly. Difficult? No! Easy? Actually, much easier than you might think.

So what is Alchemy? It can be most simply defined as changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter and applying the elements of Love to create a desired result. Let’s start simply. For example, if you wish to have water to drink, it is useful to have a container to hold the water. Similarly, to hold the wisdom of Alchemy for your creations, you must also have a container.

The aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding you, but it has lost it definition or structure. It is the water without a container. By changing your pattern of thought and re-structuring the harmonics of the aura to form of one of the sacred geometric fields, (such as the Octahedron, Tetrahedron or Cube), the container is created. Depending upon your level of awareness, each of these ancient mathematical geometric shapes align with a unique, higher dimensional body of wisdom. The geometry becomes an antenna; the transmitter and receiver.

The aura without structure and focus is like a radio that cannot lock onto a station. By creating a specifically tuned transmitter and receiver you start to tune this Personal Energy Field to your own frequency. This allows you to tune out incoherent frequencies that constantly flow through you. These disruptive frequencies don’t belong to you and have anything to do with your purpose. Many of these are mis-aligned with who you are but hold such strong magnetic charge that they actually blind your understanding of your purpose. Once this geometric container is in place, fascinating new opportunities become available. For example, by learning to increasing the speed at which the geometric field spins, you begin to rise above life’s dramas, noise and distraction. This creates an opportunity to realign your antenna to your purpose and maybe even become Happy, passionate and enthusiastic!

To take this to the next step, it is possible to increase the spin of the field to approaching the “Speed of Light”. At this faster vibration, the range of reception and awareness expands, accessing many levels of higher dimensional consciousness. This is much like increasing the quality of your radio so you are able to tune into and enjoy a greater range of music. Sound difficult? It is NOT! Again, this is easier than you may think. It simply requires the intention and desire to Know yourself and the Source of your creation.

This Personal Power Field holds the wisdom of Alchemy. It holds all that is required to turn the lead of ignorance into the gold of personal awareness. By fine-tuning this geometric field, or antenna, you will eliminate the noisy, incoherent frequencies of events and people around you and begin to Know Yourself. This fine-tuned alignment provides a new, quiet focus. You begin to remember and rewire yourself in ways that have not been available for many life times, allowing you to receive, remember and re-experience the abundance and wisdom that you already know in the higher dimensions.

Here is where the magical results begin. From this new, higher faster perspective you will find that Time exists in a very different form. There is no past or future. There is only Now. In this Now, known as Simultaneous Time, all experiences exist at the same moment in the same place. In this simultaneous Now, all answers to any question are available to you before you have to act or respond to the question. Think about this! If you knew all the answers and what would happen in each situation before you had to act, then why would you ever choose an experience that was not enjoyable? With total choice, you would choose the possibility that most joyfully met your needs and then step into that choice, creating the reality you desire.

From this higher, faster, stabilized form of consciousness, you become aware that many of the concepts, beliefs and truths once held in this lower consciousness are no longer accurate or useful in the higher perspective. You now have the opportunity to make new choices. You can choose to play the game you have always played, or you can step up to a greater platform of certainty, seniority, personal power, happiness, command and grace. On this platform you will find that you have many more colors on your pallet to choose from. The pictures you paint with this pallet will be much more grand and alive. And by simply reconstructing a sentence or speaking with a different tone, you will create experiences with very different results. By changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter and applying the elements of Love, you will create the results of your Dreams.

If this sounds like wishful thinking or fantasy, it is not. It is a simple doorway that has been hidden by the noise of the game; the push and shove, right and wrong, good and bad of the third dimension. It is a doorway that leads to merging with the Soul, walking with the Archangels, learning to create with the Great Rays of Creation and much, much more.

It is time to awaken and become who you are as a citizen of the Higher Dimensions. As the veils of ignorance and forgetfulness are being dissolved, many wonderful teachers, leaders and healers are awakening. And as YOU awaken, it will be your opportunity to awaken the others who are now stirring. Alchemy is your natural state of wisdom. Mastering alchemy is the means to create Heaven on Earth.

source –

The Wisdom of Alchemy

by Jim Self – 

Creating Your Heaven on Earth:
Alchemy is not magic; however, it does produce very wonderful and magical results. When you are aligned, alchemy is the Universal Wisdom that nurtures creations into tangible reality. It is the Science of Spirituality. It is the dance that weaves the universal elements into conscious form. Alchemy is the ability to transform one possibility into another.
By first accepting and then understanding that all things are possible, you are then able to intentionally transform one possibility into another. 
By learning to simply change one vibrational thought, feeling or belief into another, you will begin to understand how to create and sustain Well-Being, Abundance and Joy, effortlessly. Difficult? No! Easy? Actually, much easier than you might think.

So what is Alchemy? 

It can be most simply defined as changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter and applying the elements of Love to create a desired result. 
Let’s start simply. For example, if you wish to have water to drink, it is useful to have a container to hold the water. Similarly, to hold the wisdom of Alchemy for your creations, you must also have a container.

The aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding you but it has lost it definition or structure. It is the water without a container. By changing your pattern of thought and re-structuring the harmonics of the aura to form of one of the sacred geometric fields, (such as the Octahedron, Tetrahedron or Cube), the container is created. 

Depending upon your level of awareness, each of these ancient mathematical geometric shapes align with a unique, higher dimensional body of wisdom. The geometry becomes an antenna; the transmitter and receiver.

The aura without structure and focus is like a radio that cannot lock onto a station. 

By creating a specifically tuned transmitter and receiver you start to tune this Personal Energy Field to your own frequency. This allows you to tune out incoherent frequencies that constantly flow through you. These disruptive frequencies don’t belong to you and have anything to do with your purpose. 
Many of these are mis-aligned with who you are but hold such strong magnetic charge that they actually blind your understanding of your purpose. Once this geometric container is in place, fascinating new opportunities become available. For example, by learning to increasing the speed at which the geometric field spins, you begin to rise above life’s dramas, noise and distraction. 
This creates an opportunity to realign your antenna to your purpose and maybe even become Happy, passionate and enthusiastic!

To take this to the next step, it is possible to increase the spin of the field to approaching the “Speed of Light”. At this faster vibration, the range of reception and awareness expands, accessing many levels of higher dimensional consciousness. 
This is much like increasing the quality of your radio so you are able to tune into and enjoy a greater range of music. Sound difficult? It is NOT! Again, this is easier than you may think. It simply requires the intention and desire to Know yourself and the Source of your creation.

This Personal Power Field holds the wisdom of Alchemy. 

It holds all that is required to turn the lead of ignorance into the gold of personal awareness. By fine-tuning this geometric field, or antenna, you will eliminate the noisy, incoherent frequencies of events and people around you and begin to Know Yourself. This fine-tuned alignment provides a new, quiet focus. You begin to remember and rewire yourself in ways that have not been available for many life times, allowing you to receive, remember and re-experience the abundance and wisdom that you already know in the higher dimensions.

Here is where the magical results begin. 

From this new, higher faster perspective you will find that Time exists in a very different form. There is no past or future. There is only Now. In this Now, known as Simultaneous Time, all experiences exist at the same moment in the same place. 
In this simultaneous Now, all answers to any question are available to you before you have to act or respond to the question. 
Think about this! If you knew all the answers and what would happen in each situation before you had to act, then why would you ever choose an experience that was not enjoyable? With total choice, you would choose the possibility that most joyfully met your needs and then step into that choice, creating the reality you desire.

From this higher, faster, stabilized form of consciousness, you become aware that many of the concepts, beliefs and truths once held in this lower consciousness are no longer accurate or useful in the higher perspective. You now have the opportunity to make new choices. You can choose to play the game you have always played or you can step up to a greater platform of certainty, seniority, personal power, happiness, command and grace. 

On this platform you will find that you have many more colors on your pallet to choose from. 
The pictures you paint with this pallet will be much more grand and alive. And by simply reconstructing a sentence or speaking with a different tone, you will create experiences with very different results. By changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter and applying the elements of Love, you will create the results of your Dreams.

If this sounds like wishful thinking or fantasy, it is not. 

It is a simple doorway that has been hidden by the noise of the game; the push and shove, right and wrong, good and bad of the third dimension. 

It is a doorway that leads to merging with the Soul, walking with the Archangels, learning to create with the Great Rays of Creation and much, much more.

It is time to awaken and become who you are as a citizen of the Higher Dimensions. 

As the veils of ignorance and forgetfulness are being dissolved, many wonderful teachers, leaders and healers are awakening. And as YOU awaken, it will be your opportunity to awaken the others who are now stirring. 
Alchemy is your natural state of wisdom. 

Mastering alchemy is the means to create Heaven on Earth.

A Connected Life

by Clive A Wilson

With the advent of the Internet and sharing of wisdom across the world, we have reached a stage where dialogue is pulling us in two different directions. One is apart and the other is together. The fundamentalist view is that “my way is right and your way is misguided”. However, there is another way. 

Becoming More of Who We Truly Are

There is a great deal of commonality between faiths and even with those who claim to have no faith. The commonality is our shared consciousness and love for our fellow man and for everything that makes up what is good about our world.

Spirituality is this simple; to lead a connected life we must move around the following four-stage cycle consciously or unconsciously:

1. Connection 

We need to take time out away from the noise of the material world to be alone, in touch with our deepest sense of self, with the universe, some would say with God. This connection is achieved in stillness, in meditation, in prayer, and in nature.

2. Presence

Taking time in quiet connection allows us to live our lives in a state of presence, remaining aware and connected even in the busy times. This is much more fulfilling than being blown by cares of past or future.

3. Action

Or perhaps “right action”. By being present, we intuitively know what to do in any given situation.

4. Reflection

Having taken action, at least once a day we should reflect. This is to check our level of presence, celebrate our successes and to give thanks for the life we have been able to share with others. Of course this cycle isn’t necessarily limited to any single day. Rather it is the cycle we should travel at least daily if we intend to lead a connected life. 
Leading a connected life is exactly the essence of all faiths and of everyone who has ever glimpsed the divinity that is within us all.


This Day I Will Re-member

Lightworker Daily Reminder

I ask that spirit walk with me this day and that I have the courage to carry this truth within me in all that I do. To fully stand in my own truth and power is to honor the spirit within. Help me today to re-member both who I am and who I am not. Who I am is magnificent, yet to carry a facade of who I am not only detracts from that magnificence.

To accept the truth of my own limitations clears the path to carrying my true power. I know that holding my power is only possible when I am not afraid of being vulnerable. This day I will balance my ego by checking it often and seeing my true motivations. I accept the power that is rightfully mine and will use it to create Home on this side of the veil.

I ask that I may allow Spirit to emanate from me to all who choose to look upon me, that I may be a perfect mirror so that they may see the God within themselves. Help me to touch their hearts with my Love and allow them to re-member Home and who they really are as I re-member who I am. As Spirit walks with me this day I remember to give thanks for the gift of Spirit on my shoulder. May I always use it to the highest good of all concerned.

I vow to enjoy this day to its fullest and to laugh at every opportunity. This day I will play the wonderful Game and I will carry the vibrations of Home in every move on the Gameboard.

This day I will Re-member.

by Steve Rother
source –

This Day I Will Re-member

Lightworker Daily Reminder

I ask that spirit walk with me this day and that I have the courage to carry this truth within me in all that I do. To fully stand in my own truth and power is to honor the spirit within. Help me today to re-member both who I am and who I am not. Who I am is magnificent, yet to carry a facade of who I am not only detracts from that magnificence.

To accept the truth of my own limitations clears the path to carrying my true power. I know that holding my power is only possible when I am not afraid of being vulnerable. This day I will balance my ego by checking it often and seeing my true motivations. I accept the power that is rightfully mine and will use it to create Home on this side of the veil.

I ask that I may allow Spirit to emanate from me to all who choose to look upon me, that I may be a perfect mirror so that they may see the God within themselves. Help me to touch their hearts with my Love and allow them to re-member Home and who they really are as I re-member who I am. As Spirit walks with me this day I remember to give thanks for the gift of Spirit on my shoulder. May I always use it to the highest good of all concerned.

I vow to enjoy this day to its fullest and to laugh at every opportunity. This day I will play the wonderful Game and I will carry the vibrations of Home in every move on the Gameboard.

This day I will Re-member.

by Steve Rother
source –

Spiritual Intelligence

by William Frank Diedrich –

What is Spiritual Intelligence and Why Should You Care? 
The English word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning “breath” . Spirit is both the breather and the breath, the underlying nonphysical substance of all life. Intelligence comes from the Latin, intellegentia. Intellegentia comes from: inter-“between” plus legere-“choose, pick out, read” inter-lege-nt-ia. It literally means “choosing between”.

Spiritual Intelligence means to choose between the ego and the Higher Self or Spirit at any given moment. That is, we choose to live, to behave, and to speak from a higher perspective. Scripturally this means: “Not my will, but thy will”. In a more generic and modern sense, it is to live from one’s intuition and from inspiration, to listen to and follow the Inner Voice. It is the willingness and the will to tap into the One Mind which many call “God”, “Spirit”, “Oneness” or other names and to follow that guidance. This may come in the form of a hunch, an “Aha” moment, a compelling urge to do or say something constructive, or a feeling.

How do I know if my Inner Voice is from my spirit or from my ego? 

Spirit is a mindset of abundance, love, and well-beingness. The Inner Voice is compelling, but not threatening or judgmental. It is gentle but firm. It is sure of Itself. This Inner Voice seeks the highest good for all concerned, and does not seek to do harm. In a spiritual perspective, rather than judge the behaviors of others, we use discernment. We discern if we will spend time with another person, or not. We discern if someone is a healthy or an unhealthy presence in our organization. We make decisions that benefit the highest good for all concerned. We discern if our help will be utilized or if our help is futile. This discernment is not based on fear, but on wisdom and understanding.

The voice of the ego is fear based and comes from a mindset of scarcity. 

Scarcity means that either there isn’t enough or I am not enough so I had better manipulate, fight or flee this situation. 
The ego is about separating people–the good from the bad, the saved from the damned, those who know from those who do not. The ego always sees itself as better than or less than others. This kind of separation is a way of justifying one’s positions and behaviors. The ego likes to be special.


Old English from German laedan–to guide’, ‘to conduct’, ‘to take.’ We are always leaders because our respective ways of being and our behaviors influence others. We each lead by example every minute of our lives. 
The question is: “What example am I setting at this moment?” If I hold a leadership position, my example is magnified due to my positional influence. If I am a Senior Executive, my words, my tone, and my body language have a stronger effect on an employee because I am in a position of authority. If I am a parent, every word I use and every action I take is watched and learned by my children.

Why should you care? 

Ask yourself: Are you leading from your ego or are you leading from your Higher Self (your Spirit)? Is your leadership based on fear and conflict and getting the upper hand, or is it based on appreciation, discernment, and being an example? Are you living from your highest values and vision, or are you battling with others to get control? Which do you prefer? Which is most effective?

Spiritual Intelligence is developed by asking these questions of ourselves. 

We are able to “choose between” by stepping outside ourselves and seeing who we are being in this situation. Am I being the person I want to be? If I am a Christian, I may ask “What would Jesus do?” As a Buddhist, I may ask “What would Buddha do?” If I am not strongly affiliated with a religion: “What would my Higher Self do?” or “What would I do if I were at my very best? (strong, confident, loving, at peace)”

Reflection, prayer, meditation, contemplation and maintaining an awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions are some of the means by which we practice and develop our spiritual intelligence. 

Spiritual Intelligence does not require all the trappings of religion. 
At a minimum, it requires that you have a sense that there is something greater than just your personality. Have you ever had a flash of brilliance burst into your mind, a moment when you knew something but you didn’t know how you knew? If you are a person who, at times, intutitively knows what to say or do, then you are practicing your spiritual intelligence. It could be as simple as feeling the urge to praise someone or to listen to someone.

Spiritual intelligence grows when you both listen to intuitive thoughts that flow into your mind and you respond. 

For example, you find yourself in a conflict. You step outside yourself briefly, and you do not like the person you are being. In that brief moment that you stepped outside of your drama, an intuitive thought says, “Just listen. Understand.” So, you follow that thought and stop pushing your point of view. You focus on the other person and their needs. Suddenly you get it. You understand where they are coming from and you know what you need to do.

Today you get to choose. 

Who or what will run your life? Will it be your fearful and insecure ego that wants to control people and situations? Or, will it be your Higher Self, that wants what is highest and best for all concerned? 
Will it be your ego, focused mostly on your own needs to the exclusion of others? Or, will it be your Higher Self, who feels confident, wise, and strong living and leading from your vision and values and from your identity as a spiritual being? 
The ego is not the enemy. It is more like a fearful child who wants what it wants. It loses power over you as you give it less attention and focus instead on living and leading from the inside out. If you chose poorly just a minute ago, choose once again right now. 
The choice, the opportunity is always right now.

Spiritual Intelligence

by William Frank Diedrich –

What is Spiritual Intelligence and Why Should You Care? – The English word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning “breath” . Spirit is both the breather and the breath, the underlying nonphysical substance of all life.

Intelligence comes from the Latin, intellegentia. Intellegentia comes from: inter-“between” plus legere-“choose, pick out, read” inter-lege-nt-ia. It literally means “choosing between”.

Spiritual Intelligence means to choose between the ego and the Higher Self or Spirit at any given moment. That is, we choose to live, to behave, and to speak from a higher perspective. Scripturally this means: “Not my will, but thy will”. In a more generic and modern sense, it is to live from one’s intuition and from inspiration, to listen to and follow the Inner Voice. It is the willingness and the will to tap into the One Mind which many call “God”, “Spirit”, “Oneness” or other names and to follow that guidance. This may come in the form of a hunch, an “Aha” moment, a compelling urge to do or say something constructive, or a feeling.

How do I know if my Inner Voice is from my spirit or from my ego? Spirit is a mindset of abundance, love, and well-beingness. The Inner Voice is compelling, but not threatening or judgmental. It is gentle but firm. It is sure of Itself. This Inner Voice seeks the highest good for all concerned, and does not seek to do harm. In a spiritual perspective, rather than judge the behaviors of others, we use discernment. We discern if we will spend time with another person, or not. We discern if someone is a healthy or an unhealthy presence in our organization. We make decisions that benefit the highest good for all concerned. We discern if our help will be utilized or if our help is futile. This discernment is not based on fear, but on wisdom and understanding.

The voice of the ego is fear based and comes from a mindset of scarcity. Scarcity means that either there isn’t enough or I am not enough, so I had better manipulate, fight, or flee this situation. The ego is about separating people–the good from the bad, the saved from the damned, those who know from those who do not. The ego always sees itself as better than or less than others. This kind of separation is a way of justifying one’s positions and behaviors. The ego likes to be special.

Leader–Old English from German laedan–to guide’, ‘to conduct’, ‘to take.’ We are always leaders, because our respective ways of being and our behaviors influence others. We each lead by example every minute of our lives. The question is: “What example am I setting at this moment?” If I hold a leadership position, my example is magnified due to my positional influence. If I am a Senior Executive, my words, my tone, and my body language have a stronger effect on an employee because I am in a position of authority. If I am a parent, every word I use and every action I take is watched and learned by my children.

Why should you care? Ask yourself: Are you leading from your ego or are you leading from your Higher Self (your Spirit)? Is your leadership based on fear and conflict and getting the upper hand, or is it based on appreciation, discernment, and being an example? Are you living from your highest values and vision, or are you battling with others to get control? Which do you prefer? Which is most effective?

Spiritual Intelligence is developed by asking these questions of ourselves. We are able to “choose between” by stepping outside ourselves and seeing who we are being in this situation. Am I being the person I want to be? If I am a Christian, I may ask “What would Jesus do?” As a Buddhist, I may ask “What would Buddha do?” If I am not strongly affiliated with a religion: “What would my Higher Self do?” or “What would I do if I were at my very best? (strong, confident, loving, at peace)”

Reflection, prayer, meditation, contemplation, and maintaining an awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions are some of the means by which we practice and develop our spiritual intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence does not require all the trappings of religion. At a minimum, it requires that you have a sense that there is something greater than just your personality.

Have you ever had a flash of brilliance burst into your mind, a moment when you knew something, but you didn’t know how you knew? If you are a person who, at times, intutitively knows what to say or do, then you are practicing your spiritual intelligence. It could be as simple as feeling the urge praise someone, or to listen to someone.

Spiritual intelligence grows when you both listen to intuitive thoughts that flow into your mind and you respond. For example, you find yourself in a conflict. You step outside yourself briefly, and you do not like the person you are being. In that brief moment that you stepped outside of your drama, an intuitive thought says, “Just listen. Understand.” So, you follow that thought and stop pushing your point of view. You focus on the other person and their needs. Suddenly you get it. You understand where they are coming from and you know what you need to do.

Today you get to choose. Who or what will run your life? Will it be your fearful and insecure ego that wants to control people and situations? Or, will it be your Higher Self, that wants what is highest and best for all concerned? Will it be your ego, focused mostly on your own needs to the exclusion of others? Or, will it be your Higher Self, who feels confident, wise, and strong living and leading from your vision and values, and from your identity as a spiritual being? The ego is not the enemy. It is more like a fearful child who wants what it wants. It loses power over you as you give it less attention and focus instead on living and leading from the inside out. If you chose poorly just a minute ago, choose once again right now. The choice, the opportunity, is always right now.

source –

True Enlightenment


Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of spiritual transformation in Hindu philosophy and other eastern teachings. It’s the realization that our true Self is pure spirit, created from the infinite field of intelligence that gives rise to every creation in the universe. 
At the moment of enlightenment, we realize that we’re not isolated and separate but completely connected to everyone and everything. This is the birth of unity consciousness.

Those who have attained enlightenment lose all sense of fear and worry. They’re no longer bothered by mundane matters and see the incredible potential available in each moment. They understand the way life works and the design of the infinite field that orchestrates the flow of energy, information and the countless intricate processes unfolding in every second. Recognizing that they’re an inseparable part of Spirit or God, enlightened beings are lighthearted and joyful.

“True enlightenment is different from an intellectual understanding that all is one or even the occasional glimpse of the interconnectedness of the universe. Achieving perpetual unity consciousness is a monumental transformation of every dimension of awareness that can require energy, time and courage.” ~Buddha

Although the enlightened state of the seers and prophets, including Jesus Christ and Buddha may seem far out of reach for most of us, we always have the potential to expand our awareness of our true spiritual nature and the inseparability of all things. The journey toward enlightenment in itself offers innumerable gifts.

As we become aware of the underlying spirit that connects all things, we realize that even the smallest events have great meaning. We also begin to see more clearly how our thoughts and intentions ripple out into the cosmos and manifest in physical form.

chopra. com


Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of spiritual transformation in Hindu philosophy and other eastern teachings. It’s the realization that our true Self is pure spirit, created from the infinite field of intelligence that gives rise to every creation in the universe. At the moment of enlightenment, we realize that we’re not isolated and separate, but completely connected to everyone and everything. This is the birth of unity consciousness.

Those who have attained enlightenment lose all sense of fear and worry. They’re no longer bothered by mundane matters and see the incredible potential available in each moment. They understand the way life works and the design of the infinite field that orchestrates the flow of energy, information and the countless intricate processes unfolding in every second. Recognizing that they’re an inseparable part of Spirit or God, enlightened beings are lighthearted and joyful.

“True enlightenment is different from an intellectual understanding that all is one, or even the occasional glimpse of the interconnectedness of the universe. Achieving perpetual unity consciousness is a monumental transformation of every dimension of awareness that can require energy, time and courage.” ~Buddha

Although the enlightened state of the seers and prophets, including Jesus Christ and Buddha, may seem far out of reach for most of us, we always have the potential to expand our awareness of our true spiritual nature and the inseparability of all things. The journey toward enlightenment in itself offers innumerable gifts. As we become aware of the underlying spirit that connects all things, we realize that even the smallest events have great meaning. We also begin to see more clearly how our thoughts and intentions ripple out into the cosmos and manifest in physical form.

source – chopra. com

Your Connection to Source

by Jennifer Hoffman – 

Prayer is your connection to Source, it is the way you step into the flow and move the energy in the direction of your desired manifestation. When you pray you are affirming your divinity, creating your reality and directing the Light into the path you set for it. 
You can pray with authority, for you are the co-creator of your reality and the world around you. 
You can pray with conviction, knowing that your prayers are always heard and responded to. You can pray with trust and faith, for that is how you empower your prayers. You can pray without ceasing, letting your every thought be an affirmation of your connection to Source and a confirmation of your power. You have authority over your world and everything in it. 
You have authority over the energy of the planet. Each thought you have creates an energetic response and each thought is a prayer that either affirms your Source connection or limits it. When you pray with authority and conviction you are affirming your power and your co-creative abilities. When you pray with doubt and hope that God hears and will respond to you, your prayer lacks trust and belief. 
Any belief that you are not deserving of God’s attention creates limitation and arises from your fears.

Any belief in separation is of the mind, not of spirit. Prayer creates harmony between the mind and spirit when you remember who you are. It guides the mind from fear into unconditional love and empowers the Light of your being into your consciousness. God knows you are powerful and waits for you to connect with that knowing. 

When you pray you allow the forces of Heaven to rush in to assist you for your prayers connect your free will with Divine will. When you choose to have thoughts that flow with your intention that your Highest Good manifest in your life and in the world you are praying your desires into being.

Prayer is the most powerful force in the Universe and it is your source of limitless abundance in every area of your life. 

Your prayers empower the Light, they create heaven on earth, allow unconditional love to manifest on the earth plane, open vortexes of healing and help humanity to find its way home. Pray without ceasing, remembering that every thought is a prayer. Use your power of prayer to manifest the desires of your heart and reconnect to the healing Light of unconditional love. 
The world needs your prayers to help it remember and reconnect to Source and empower the Light. This is the time to pray for yourself, the earth and for all of humanity. Let your every thought be an affirming prayer for peace, joy, abundance and unconditional love and it will manifest in the world.

Illusions and Attachments

by Grace Ross – 

Why Illusions Of Separateness, Attachment and Control Affect Our Willingness To Surrender – For some, the idea of surrender is a difficult one – it conjures up images of loss of control, giving authority over to someone else, forgoing pleasure, or even giving up responsibility for living a purposeful life. Surrender is a word we associate with the battlefield, of “crying Uncle” in a wrestling match, or of allowing a bully to take control. The reality of soulful surrender, however, has little to do with these violent images. 
Soulful surrender is about entering a state of grace – of living in harmony and attunement with the qualities of our higher Self. 
It is one of recognizing where the human ego creates fears and limiting beliefs about who we are, and deciding nonetheless to speak and live from a deeper, at times mysterious, truth.

Certain beliefs tend to block our willingness to surrender on the soul level: We conjure up images of a divine puppeteer who decides our fate irrespective of our wishes; others maintain that it is unsafe to let go of ego-control; others assert that life events are the result of “chance, fate or coincidence;” and still others find it hard to conceive of the notion that we are all connected at a spiritual level.

In many ways it is not a surprise that we are afraid of losing our individual sense of control. We spend much of our life trying to build a strong sense of self. In fact, it is a necessary stage of our soul journey to develop a sense of confidence and self-esteem in relation to the world. The ego helps us to have influence, direction and control in a world that believes in the separated self.

The ego’s main illusion is that we are separate independent beings, both from each other and from Spirit. 

This belief supports the evolutionary idea of survival of the fittest and the need for hierarchy and power over others. For a time, the more we accumulate and the more power we assume gives a sense of greater security.

The ego’s main purpose is to survive and it does so by nurturing attachments to possessions, personal beliefs and relationships. All loss (even the loss of an idea or belief) is seen as a threat to survival of the ego. 

From the ego’s perspective, competition and self-interest are absolutely necessary to maintain survival.

However, as one matures along a soul centered path, we start to see that attachment to the individual ego’s needs creates increasing dissatisfaction. The satisfaction of accomplishment/power and material accumulation is at best temporary – there is a continual threat of someone else’s ego who also wants to accomplish, have power or accumulate possessions. There is no end to this fear, both on a personal and societal level. The idea of surrender to a less conscious, soulful part of us stirs up these very fears while, at the same time, offering a new paradigm of being that bypasses all these fears.

The promise of soulful surrender makes available gifts that allow for the fullest expression of who we are as spirit beings in a human body. 
Surrender means living in attunement with a divine Source and the opportunity to co-create and live out the qualities of Spirit that channel through us.

Surrender nurtures a sense of harmony and connection to others. 

We find that discernment, wisdom and deep knowing begin to replace judgment and criticism. Fear itself is replaced by deep, abiding faith that everything is proceeding according to Divine plan. A natural compassion and deep willingness to alleviate suffering replaces the need for power and striving. Competition is replaced by cooperation, fair play and forgiveness.

There is a new sense of knowing your own truth and an ability to express your truth without fear. 

As you give up the illusion of separateness, you develop deeper emotional intimacy in the awareness of the unity of all beings and a new and deep sense of belonging. A sense of contentment with what is and living in the Now replaces fear for the future.

Teetering on the Brink of Hope

by Marlene Buffa

Standing on the Edge is about teetering on the brink of hope, on leaping into faith of the unknown, of trusting the Universe to provide the next move. When life pushes us to the precipice of what we understand, only then do we assess our insight and confront our spirituality. 
Faced with knowing our fortune resides behind us in our experience, all that exists is the canyon of possibility whose floor we cannot see and whose outer limits extend beyond our reach. In our moment of complete vulnerability, we find our strength.


Perhaps the most obvious and common example of reaching our limits expresses itself in our patience. We’ve heard others bemoan the end-of-the-rope, the last-straw, and trying-our-patience. What really happens when we can no longer muster the quiet strength that patience demands – an explosion or an implosion? 
Standing on the edge of patience we seek immediate results and gratification. Faced with the possibility of no resolution whatsoever, our patience runs out and we give up. In this act of surrender we find peace. It’s only when we quit waiting that we empower ourselves with the glory of the moment and acceptance of living life as it gloriously unfolds.


We bury ourselves in a barrage of thoughts and analysis. Quick to scrutinize every spoken word and behavior our thoughts capture us in a never-ending battle of curiosity versus peace of mind. 
While true, our thoughts elevate us from our current situation and great ideas spring from our imagination, but the mental cacophony of over-thinking wears thin on our psyche and we never get to peace. We reserve the power to control our thoughts and our mental self-talk determines our future. 
Standing on the edge of thought, we engage in either the freedom of innovation or repetitious, conflagrating self-talk that keeps us stuck in the heat of our own destruction. Your choice. You get to choose your thoughts. Pick some good ones.


Doing what we’re good at never challenges us or encourages new growth. The world rejoices in the beauty of artwork aptly done and music deftly orchestrated. God bestows His gifts on us and we call it “talent,” or aptitude. We attempt to explain in common sense terminology that we inherited certain qualities from our ascendants, all the while setting aside the notion that our abilities are gifts from the Infinite. Jesus once said “If you love those who love you, what reward have you?” Taking this concept further, let’s ponder, if you do only what you’re already good at, what have you accomplished? 
What you’re good at comes easy, it’s yesterday’s news. Stand on the edge of your aptitude and dare to try something you’ve never done before. The echo of your new voice may sing back to you if you shout out your willingness to attempt the unknown.


Life moves us. We feel life from the wind in our hair, the sand between our toes and the sun on our face. Passion for life, for another, for the Spirit makes life worthwhile. A life devoid of passion stagnates and produces little fulfillment. A zeal for living each day to the fullest propelled by passion and fascination makes for not only a colorful obituary, but a well-lived life. 
Standing on the edge of passion we dare to admit that certain things or people move us, compel us, or inspire us. What is it about a person, a hobby, or belief that shifts us from passing interest to a stimulating gotta-have-it necessity? Certainly something more than hormonal urgency comes to play. Passion cannot be willed upon you, it rises up from your soul and cannot be contained. The object of your passion cannot be mere preference or a casual notion, your passion originates from a leap into the arms of life which quenches your soul.


The eternal democratic governor, time effects each of us. We cannot escape the inevitable passage of our lives, yet we choose to live each day in ways that can either elevate us or destroy us. 
Faced with our own mortality, time offers each of us the blessing to revel in our earthly experience without knowing when it ends. A hundred years ago, modern medical diagnostics did not exist and most people lived full lives unaware of terminal illness or impending transition. Are we truly better off now, with the prognosticating efforts of medical professionals analyzing our DNA and predicting our life spans? 
Standing on the edge of our longevity we may peer into our genetic futures with some degree of success but we disregard accident or chance in our equation. Some of us defy the perceived inevitable and outlive the prognosis of the medical journals and others leave this life all too early by accident or undefined happenstance. 
No matter the duration or the manner, the precious gift is time itself and the leap you must take requires you to overlook the constraints of the calendar and live a full live, every day you’re alive.


More than a feeling, love inspired more music and both written and spoken word throughout recorded history than any other emotion. So powerful in its presence and expression, love works through us to bring joy and clearer insight in how we fit in the world around us. Cautiously, we attempt to spare ourselves sorrow by avoiding love, yet, taking the leap into the ocean of love fulfills us the most. 
Standing on the edge of love, we see the vast expanse of possibilities, the ecstasy, the sorrows, yet life is empty without it. What if all your love could enfold you and comfort you – as well as the entire planet? The possibilities for love are endless, the possibilities WITH love are priceless. Right there, on the edge, your toes curling over the rough rocky crags of love, dare yourself to leap into the loving spirit that embraces your oneness with life and brings meaning to your world.


What are you waiting for? We postpone, we settle. We confuse, we excuse, we explain. Life waits for no one and is for the living. Life ties its shoes with the laces of your insights and allows you to walk through time. From the moment of your birth until your last breath, the life force within you responds to every thought you think, every act of patience you practice, every ability you express, every passion you enjoy, every moment of aliveness and everyone you love. 
The life within you is timeless, endless and always you. Standing on the edge of life, life waits for you to say “yes” to it, begging you to come home to the understanding of experiencing all manner of relationship to progress though eternity. Life, with its ups and downs, happiness and sorrow, success and failure and spiritual success and abstentions, is all we have. You were born for a reason and it’s up to you to figure it out. It’s your life – live it well and every now and then, when you can’t see the bottom, jump in anyway.

Teetering on the Brink of Hope

by Marlene Buffa –

‘Standing on the Edge’ is about teetering on the brink of hope, on leaping into faith of the unknown, of trusting the Universe to provide the next move. When life pushes us to the precipice of what we understand, only then do we assess our insight and confront our spirituality. Faced with knowing our fortune resides behind us in our experience, all that exists is the canyon of possibility whose floor we cannot see and whose outer limits extend beyond our reach. In our moment of complete vulnerability, we find our strength.

Patience – Perhaps the most obvious and common example of reaching our limits expresses itself in our patience. We’ve heard others bemoan the end-of-the-rope, the last-straw, and trying-our-patience. What really happens when we can no longer muster the quiet strength that patience demands – an explosion or an implosion? Standing on the edge of patience we seek immediate results and gratification. Faced with the possibility of no resolution whatsoever, our patience runs out and we give up. In this act of surrender we find peace. It’s only when we quit waiting that we empower ourselves with the glory of the moment and acceptance of living life as it gloriously unfolds.

Thought – We bury ourselves in a barrage of thoughts and analysis. Quick to scrutinize every spoken word and behavior our thoughts capture us in a never-ending battle of curiosity versus peace of mind. While true, our thoughts elevate us from our current situation and great ideas spring from our imagination, but the mental cacophony of over-thinking wears thin on our psyche and we never get to peace. We reserve the power to control our thoughts and our mental self-talk determines our future. Standing on the edge of thought, we engage in either the freedom of innovation or repetitious, conflagrating self-talk that keeps us stuck in the heat of our own destruction. Your choice. You get to choose your thoughts. Pick some good ones.

Aptitude – Doing what we’re good at never challenges us or encourages new growth. The world rejoices in the beauty of artwork aptly done and music deftly orchestrated. God bestows His gifts on us and we call it “talent,” or aptitude. We attempt to explain in common sense terminology that we inherited certain qualities from our ascendants, all the while setting aside the notion that our abilities are gifts from the Infinite. Jesus once said “If you love those who love you, what reward have you?” Taking this concept further, let’s ponder, if you do only what you’re already good at, what have you accomplished? What you’re good at comes easy, it’s yesterday’s news. Stand on the edge of your aptitude and dare to try something you’ve never done before. The echo of your new voice may sing back to you if you shout out your willingness to attempt the unknown.

Passion – Life moves us. We feel life from the wind in our hair, the sand between our toes and the sun on our face. Passion for life, for another, for the Spirit makes life worthwhile. A life devoid of passion stagnates and produces little fulfillment. A zeal for living each day to the fullest propelled by passion and fascination makes for not only a colorful obituary, but a well-lived life. Standing on the edge of passion we dare to admit that certain things or people move us, compel us, or inspire us. What is it about a person, a hobby, or belief that shifts us from passing interest to a stimulating gotta-have-it necessity? Certainly something more than hormonal urgency comes to play. Passion cannot be willed upon you, it rises up from your soul and cannot be contained. The object of your passion cannot be mere preference or a casual notion, your passion originates from a leap into the arms of life which quenches your soul.

Time – The eternal democratic governor, time effects each of us. We cannot escape the inevitable passage of our lives, yet we choose to live each day in ways that can either elevate us or destroy us. Faced with our own mortality, time offers each of us the blessing to revel in our earthly experience without knowing when it ends. A hundred years ago, modern medical diagnostics did not exist and most people lived full lives unaware of terminal illness or impending transition. Are we truly better off now, with the prognosticating efforts of medical professionals analyzing our DNA and predicting our life spans? Standing on the edge of our longevity we may peer into our genetic futures with some degree of success, but we disregard accident or chance in our equation. Some of us defy the perceived inevitable and outlive the prognosis of the medical journals, and others leave this life all too early by accident or undefined happenstance. No matter the duration or the manner, the precious gift is time itself and the leap you must take requires you to overlook the constraints of the calendar and live a full live, every day you’re alive.

Love – More than a feeling, love inspired more music and both written and spoken word throughout recorded history than any other emotion. So powerful in its presence and expression, love works through us to bring joy and clearer insight in how we fit in the world around us. Cautiously, we attempt to spare ourselves sorrow by avoiding love, yet, taking the leap into the ocean of love fulfills us the most. Standing on the edge of love, we see the vast expanse of possibilities, the ecstasy, the sorrows, yet life is empty without it. What if all your love could enfold you and comfort you – as well as the entire planet? The possibilities for love are endless, the possibilities WITH love are priceless. Right there, on the edge, your toes curling over the rough rocky crags of love, dare yourself to leap into the loving spirit that embraces your oneness with life and brings meaning to your world.

Life – What are you waiting for? We postpone, we settle. We confuse, we excuse, we explain. Life waits for no one and is for the living. Life ties its shoes with the laces of your insights and allows you to walk through time. From the moment of your birth until your last breath, the life force within you responds to every thought you think, every act of patience you practice, every ability you express, every passion you enjoy, every moment of aliveness and everyone you love. The life within you is timeless, endless and always you. Standing on the edge of life, life waits for you to say “yes” to it, begging you to come home to the understanding of experiencing all manner of relationship to progress though eternity. Life, with its ups and downs, happiness and sorrow, success and failure and spiritual success and abstentions, is all we have. You were born for a reason and it’s up to you to figure it out. It’s your life – live it well and every now and then, when you can’t see the bottom, jump in anyway.

source –

The Presence of Love

by Gloria Wendroff

It is enough to be in the presence of love. Love does not have to be personally given to you. You do not have to have more love than someone else. You do not have to have the love of one particular person. No one’s love belongs to you anyway. Love is for everyone. Be secure in love. You do not have to have greater love as proof that you are love-worthy. You are love-worthy now.

No more either are you to choose where your love is directed nor are you to choose where anyone’s love is directed. You are not to bind love. Why do you think you need more anyway? Do you not have all of Mine?

Why would you give less love than what I have given you? And why would you demand more love from anyone? Love cannot be commanded nor demanded. If someone does not love enough, then you, beloved, I ask that you give love enough for two. If no one else in the world gives love, then I ask that you give love enough for everyone in the world. Never are you to stint on love, nor are you to count it. Love is to be given, not accounted for. Who are you? You are one who loves.

Patient ocean waves lap against huge rocks. Rocks cannot withstand waves forever. Let your love be like ocean waves with infinite patience. It is not even patience. The waves do what they do without thought of outcome so patience does not enter in. Let your love go out in waves without thought. Your love comes from the Mighty Ocean and will never run dry.

Giving love everywhere is not effort. Love is or it isn’t and I tell you it is. You are not faking love. You are not making a big show of it. You are simply allowing the love in your heart to go out, and in that process, love refurbishes itself. No heart is empty. Your heart is full of love, yet love is not to be crammed. Love is to be given, and you are to give it. Don’t make it hard to give love. Just give it. Do not keep your love within. Love is to go out. Do not stop love midstream. Do not stop love at all.

Be glad that you are one who can give love. Be glad that you are one who can receive love. Be glad you are one who can see love. You see love in action. Love moves. It is encompassing. Love is a world traveler. It cannot stay still. It must always be given. Love does not have to be sought. Like the sun, it is simply there.

You do not have to mine for the gold of love. It is right out there for you. It is yours to pluck at will and it is yours to give at will. But receiving love is not like picking raspberries where you pick one berry at a time. Love is all at once. Love is valiant, and it is all-embracing. There is no possibility of the source of love running dry. The only possibility for love is of abundance.

Love is not new, nor is it old. Love is attribute-less. Love is like Me, eternal, universally for all. Love is a legacy. It is not a pittance. Never more will there be a dearth of love on the Earth. Love is taking over the world, once and for all.

The Presence of Love

by Gloria Wendroff –

God said: It is enough to be in the presence of love. Love does not have to be personally given to you. You do not have to have more love than someone else. You do not have to have the love of one particular person. No one’s love belongs to you anyway. Love is for everyone. Be secure in love. You do not have to have greater love as proof that you are love-worthy. You are love-worthy now.

No more either are you to choose where your love is directed nor are you to choose where anyone’s love is directed. You are not to bind love. Why do you think you need more anyway? Do you not have all of Mine?

Why would you give less love than what I have given you? And why would you demand more love from anyone? Love cannot be commanded nor demanded. If someone does not love enough, then you, beloved, I ask that you give love enough for two. If no one else in the world gives love, then I ask that you give love enough for everyone in the world. Never are you to stint on love, nor are you to count it. Love is to be given, not accounted for. Who are you? You are one who loves.

ocean waves in black and white

Patient ocean waves lap against huge rocks. Rocks cannot withstand waves forever. Let your love be like ocean waves with infinite patience. It is not even patience. The waves do what they do without thought of outcome so patience does not enter in. Let your love go out in waves without thought. Your love comes from the Mighty Ocean and will never run dry.

Giving love everywhere is not effort. Love is, or it isn’t, and I tell you it is. You are not faking love. You are not making a big show of it. You are simply allowing the love in your heart to go out, and in that process, love refurbishes itself. No heart is empty. Your heart is full of love, yet love is not to be crammed. Love is to be given, and you are to give it. Don’t make it hard to give love. Just give it. Do not keep your love within. Love is to go out. Do not stop love midstream. Do not stop love at all.

Be glad that you are one who can give love. Be glad that you are one who can receive love. Be glad you are one who can see love. You see love in action. Love moves. It is encompassing. Love is a world traveler. It cannot stay still. It must always be given. Love does not have to be sought. Like the sun, it is simply there.

You do not have to mine for the gold of love. It is right out there for you. It is yours to pluck at will and it is yours to give at will. But receiving love is not like picking raspberries where you pick one berry at a time. Love is all at once. Love is valiant, and it is all-embracing. There is no possibility of the source of love running dry. The only possibility for love is of abundance.

Love is not new, nor is it old. Love is attribute-less. Love is like Me, eternal, universally for all. Love is a legacy. It is not a pittance. Never more will there be a dearth of love on the Earth. Love is taking over the world, once and for all.

source –

Beyond Limitations

by Eckhart Tolle –

It seems to me that what progress is all about, both in our personal lives and collectively is not to accept the limitations of the present but to strive to go beyond them and create something better. If we hadn’t done this, we would still be living in caves. For if we always accept the way things are, we are not going to make any effort to improve them.

True Surrender

How do you reconcile surrender with changing things and getting things done?

To some people, surrender may have negative connotations, implying defeat, giving up, failing to rise to the challenges of life, becoming lethargic, and so on. True surrender, however, is something entirely different. It does not mean to passively put up with whatever situation you find yourself in and do nothing about it. Nor does it mean to cease making plans or initiating positive action.

Surrender is the simple, but profound, wisdom of yielding to, rather than opposing, the flow of life. The only place where you can experience the flow of life is the Now, so to surrender is to accept the present moment unconditionally and without reservation.

It is to relinquish inner resistance to what is. 

Inner resistance is to say “no” to what is, through mental judgment and emotional negativity. It becomes particularly pronounced when things “go wrong,” which means there is a gap between the demands or rigid expectations of your mind and what is. That is the pain gap. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practised if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.

Acceptance of what is immediately frees you from mind identification and thus reconnects you with Being. Resistance is the mind. Surrender is a purely inner phenomenon. It does not mean that, on the outer level, you cannot take action and change the situation. In fact, it is not the overall situation that you need to accept when you surrender, but just the tiny segment called the Now.

For example, if you were stuck in the mud somewhere, you wouldn’t say, “Okay, I resign myself to being stuck in the mud.” Resignation is not surrender. You don’t need to accept an undesirable or unpleasant life situation. Nor do you need to deceive yourself and say there is nothing wrong with being stuck in the mud. No. You recognize fully that you want to get out of it.

You then narrow your attention down to the present moment without mentally labelling it in any way.

This means there is no judgment of the Now.

Therefore, there is no resistance, no emotional negativity.

You accept the “isness” of this moment.

Then you take action and do all that you can to get out of the mud.

Let me give you a visual analogy to illustrate the point I am making. 
You are walking along a path at night, surrounded by a thick fog. But you have a powerful flashlight that cuts through the fog and creates a narrow, clear space in front of you. The fog is your life situation, which includes past and future; the flashlight is your conscious presence; the clear space is the Now.

Non-surrender hardens your psychological form, the shell of the ego and so creates a strong sense of separateness

The world around you and people, in particular, come to be perceived as threatening. The unconscious compulsion to destroy others through judgment arises, as does the need to compete and dominate. Even nature becomes your enemy and your perceptions and interpretations are governed by fear.

There is something within you that remains unaffected by the transient circumstances that make up your life situation and only through surrender do you have access to it. 

It is your life, your very Being, which exists eternally in the timeless realm of the present. Finding this life is “the one thing that is needed” that Jesus talked about.

adapted from ‘The Power of Now’

Harness the Power of Solitude

How to find profound spiritual meaning
in the silence and stillness of solitude.

by Florence Falk –

Whether young or old, alone or with a partner, we can use solitude to guide us towards inner freedom. But this can only happen as we embrace solitude for what it is: a potentially creative and life-altering experience. In its space–and perhaps only there–we learn to harness our inner power and contemplate those things we wish to pursue to make ourselves whole. That’s when we begin to listen to what our own voice is telling us and move to our own rhythms. With newfound self-awareness, we are able to change our perspective, step out of old ways of behaving, and live and love fully and creatively.


1. Learn to Befriend Solitude

Solitude has a bad reputation. We tend to think of it as a lonely state. Nothing can be further from the truth. We need the rich soil of solitude to grow into ourselves. Spend a few minutes each day in solitude. Turn off your cell phone and TV and just let yourself be in stillness. Gradually, as you befriend solitude, rather than flee from it, you will begin to hear the voice of your own authentic self.


2. Stay Patient

To be in solitude takes patience. Patience allows us to stay in the present so that we can reflect and change. Most of us are feverishly impatient. We want change and we want it now. Being in solitude takes patience so that we have time to rest, reflect, and restore ourselves. That’s when we start to listen to ourselves so that true change can happen.


3. Start Where You Are

In solitude, you start where you are, with whatever feelings you have, not where you want to be. Expect that at first all sorts of raw emotions will come up, like fear, anger, frustration, shame or guilt. They belong to the old voices that tell us how we should be and what we ought to do. Question every should and ought that crosses your path. Know that you are on the right path–your path–when you feel your own voice kicking inside you like a babe in the womb.


4. Begin Your Sorting Process

In fairy tales, the princess is often given the task of sorting before she can begin to weave her new life. Solitude gives us the same opportunity. We sort and separate out the old voices from our own personal voice, the old story from the new story, which is about us, what we desire, and how to get it.


5. Take Time for Self-Blessing

A blessing is an act of reverence that bestows protection, holiness, and love on the benefactor. But the deepest blessing is the one you bestow on yourself. As we enter solitude, we let ourselves breathe deeply and quietly. Then we need to bless ourselves and our journey so that we might gain, or renew, a sense of our own loveliness.


6. Close the “Knowing vs. Living” Gap

We all know many things we want to nurture ourselves. Yet we often don’t give those things to ourselves because the ‘gap’ feels too wide. Know that it is not. In solitude, chose one thing you want to nurture your growth and give it to yourself as your gift.


7. Remember the Small Moments

Wonder and joy are almost always found in the small moments that make up our lives: listening to the sound of a seashell, walking through the woods, knitting a new scarf, baking bread, listening to a bird sing. Solitude teaches us to pay attention to these small moments and realize that they are the jewels of our life.


8. Reconnect to the Sacred

As you take time to be in solitude, you will learn that it is food for the deprived self. We enter solitude for many reasons: to rest, to nurse our grief, to ease the strain of giving others more than we give ourselves, to hear the sound of our own voice, to nurture our creative energies, and for many of us, to honor our search for a spiritual life.


9. Step Into Your Own Life

Stepping out is an act, a self-assertion, a movement beyond whatever steps you have taken before. It means something different to each of us. Solitude, however, is a dynamic state that will in time lead you to where you want to be. Suddenly, without knowing exactly how or why, you will find yourself ready to be, or act, in ways you never could before.


10. Be There for Others

Solitude teaches us that we are both alone and all one. As we grow stronger in ourselves, we find that we have more to give to others-our partners, children, friends, but also the larger community of which we are a part. Spend some time to be with those who have been deprived of love and mentoring and desperately need it.

source –


courtesy of

10 Steps to Harnessing the Power of Solitude

How to find profound spiritual meaning
in the silence and stillness of solitude.

by Florence Falk PhD – 

Whether young or old, alone or with a partner, we can use solitude to guide us towards inner freedom. But this can only happen as we embrace solitude for what it is: a potentially creative and life-altering experience. 

In its space–and perhaps only there–we learn to harness our inner power and contemplate those things we wish to pursue to make ourselves whole. 

That’s when we begin to listen to what our own voice is telling us and move to our own rhythms. With newfound self-awareness, we are able to change our perspective, step out of old ways of behaving, and live and love fully and creatively.


1. Learn to Befriend Solitude

Solitude has a bad reputation. We tend to think of it as a lonely state. Nothing can be further from the truth. We need the rich soil of solitude to grow into ourselves. Spend a few minutes each day in solitude. 

Turn off your cell phone and TV and just let yourself be in stillness. Gradually, as you befriend solitude, rather than flee from it, you will begin to hear the voice of your own authentic self.


2. Stay Patient

To be in solitude takes patience. Patience allows us to stay in the present so that we can reflect and change. Most of us are feverishly impatient. We want change and we want it now. 

Being in solitude takes patience so that we have time to rest, reflect, and restore ourselves. That’s when we start to listen to ourselves so that true change can happen.


3. Start Where You Are

In solitude, you start where you are, with whatever feelings you have, not where you want to be. Expect that at first all sorts of raw emotions will come up, like fear, anger, frustration, shame or guilt. 

They belong to the old voices that tell us how we should be and what we ought to do. Question every should and ought that crosses your path. Know that you are on the right path–your path–when you feel your own voice kicking inside you like a babe in the womb.


4. Begin Your Sorting Process

In fairy tales, the princess is often given the task of sorting before she can begin to weave her new life. Solitude gives us the same opportunity. 

We sort and separate out the old voices from our own personal voice, the old story from the new story, which is about us, what we desire, and how to get it.


5. Take Time for Self-Blessing

A blessing is an act of reverence that bestows protection, holiness, and love on the benefactor. But the deepest blessing is the one you bestow on yourself. 

As we enter solitude, we let ourselves breathe deeply and quietly. Then we need to bless ourselves and our journey so that we might gain, or renew, a sense of our own loveliness.


6. Close the ‘Knowing vs Living’ Gap

We all know many things we want to nurture ourselves. Yet we often don’t give those things to ourselves because the ‘gap’ feels too wide. 

Know that it is not. In solitude, chose one thing you want to nurture your growth and give it to yourself as your gift.


7. Remember the Small Moments

Wonder and joy are almost always found in the small moments that make up our lives; listening to the sound of a seashell, walking through the woods, knitting a new scarf, baking bread, listening to a bird sing. 

Solitude teaches us to pay attention to these small moments and realize that they are the jewels of our life.


8. Reconnect to the Sacred

As you take time to be in solitude, you will learn that it is food for the deprived self. 

We enter solitude for many reasons: to rest, to nurse our grief, to ease the strain of giving others more than we give ourselves, to hear the sound of our own voice, to nurture our creative energies, and for many of us, to honor our search for a spiritual life.


9. Step Into Your Own Life

Stepping out is an act, a self-assertion, a movement beyond whatever steps you have taken before. It means something different to each of us. 

Solitude, however, is a dynamic state that will in time lead you to where you want to be. Suddenly, without knowing exactly how or why, you will find yourself ready to be, or act, in ways you never could before.


10. Be There for Others

Solitude teaches us that we are both alone and all one. As we grow stronger in ourselves, we find that we have more to give to others-our partners, children, friends, but also the larger community of which we are a part. 

Spend some time to be with those who have been deprived of love and mentoring and desperately need it.



Nurturing Your Spiritual Life

by Deepak Chopra –

Intention is the starting point of any spiritual path. Intention includes will and purpose, aspiration and highest vision. If you set your intention toward material existence, that will grow instead. Once you plant the seed of an intention, your soul’s journey will unfold automatically. Here are several basic intentions that mark a spiritual life.


*I want to feel God’s presence. This intention is rooted in the discomfort of being isolated and separate. You can mask it by developing friendships and family ties. Ultimately, however, each of us needs to feel a sense of inner fullness and peace.

*I want God to aid and support me. God’s presence brings with it the qualities of spirit. At the source, every quality – love, intelligence, truth, organizing ability, creativity – becomes infinite. The growth of these things in your life is a sign that you are getting closer to your soul.

*I want to feel connected to the whole. The soul’s journey takes a person from a fragment state to one of wholeness. Events start to weave into a pattern. Small details fit together instead of being scattered and random. I want my life to have a meaning. Existence feels empty in separation. This gets healed only by moving into unity with God. Instead of turning outward to find your purpose, you feel that just being here, as you are, is the highest purpose in creation.

*I want to be free of restrictions. Inner freedom is greatly compromised when fear exists, and fear is a natural outcome of separation. As you come closer to your soul, the old boundaries and defenses start to melt away. If these basic intentions are present inside you, God takes the responsibility for carrying them out. Everything else that you do is secondary. However, you can still exert a great deal of influence through your everyday conduct.

Here are the ground rules for spiritual life that have proved effective for me personally and that I feel will work for many people.


1. Know your intentions. – Don’t let your false intentions remain masked. Root them out and work on the danger and fear that keep you attached to them. False intentions take the form of guilty desires: I want someone else to fail, I want to get even, I want to see bad people punished, I want to take away something not my own. False intentions can be elusive; you will notice their existence by the feeling connected with them – a feeling of fear, greed, rage, hopelessness and weakness. Sense the feeling first, refuse to buy into it and then remain aware until you find the intention lurking beneath.

2. Set your intentions high. – Aim to be a saint and a miracle worker. Why not? If you know that the goal of inner growth is to acquire mastery, then ask for that mastery as soon as possible. Don’t strain to work wonders, but don’t deny them to yourself either. The beginning of mastery is vision; see the miracles around you, and that will make it easier for greater miracles to grow.

3. See yourself in the light. – The ego keeps its grip by making us feel needy and powerless. From this sense of lack grows a hunger to acquire everything in sight. Money, power, sex and pleasure are suppose to fill up the lack, but they never do. You can escape this package of illusion if you see yourself not in the shadow fighting to get to God but in the light from the first moment. The only difference between you and a saint is that your light is small and a saint’s is great. You are both of the light.

4. See everyone else in the light. – The cheapest way to feel good about yourself is by feeling superior to other people. From this small seed grows every manner of judgment. A simple formula may help here. When you are tempted to judge another human being, no matter how obviously he or she deserves it, remind yourself that everyone is doing the best he or she can from his or her own level of consciousness.

5. Reinforce your intentions every day. – Everyday life is a kind of swirling chaos, and the ego is entrenched in its demands. You need to remind yourself, day in and day out, of your spiritual purpose. For some people it helps to write down their intentions; for others, periods of regular meditation and prayer are useful. Find your center, look closely at yourself and do not let go of your intention until it feels centered inside yourself.

6. Learn to forgive yourself. – We all fall into traps of selfishness and delusions when we least expect it. The chance remark that wounds someone else, the careless lie, the irresistible urge to cheat are universal. Forgive yourself for being where you are. Apply to yourself the same dictum as to others: you are doing the best you can from your own level of consciousness. (I like to remember one master’s definition of the perfect disciple “One who is always stumbling but never falls”. )

7. Learn to let go. – The paradox of being spiritual is that you are always wrong and always right at the same time. Life is change; you must be prepared to let go of today’s beliefs, thoughts and actions no matter how spiritual they make you feel. Every stage of inner growth is good. Each is nurtured by God.

8. Revere what is holy. – Our society teaches us to be skeptical of the sacred. But every saint is your future, and every master is reaching over his shoulder to look at you, waiting for you to join him. Human representatives of God constitute an infinite treasure. Dipping into this treasure will help you open your heart.

9. Allow God to take over. – Most people are addicted to worry, control, over-management and lack of faith. Resist the temptation to follow these tendencies. Don’t listen to the voice that says you have to be in charge, that constant vigilance is the only way to get anything done. Let spirit try a new way. Your intention is the most powerful tool at your disposal. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities and openings to come your way. The outcome you are trying so hard to force may not be as good for you as the one that comes naturally. If you could give one percent of your life over to God every day, you would be the most enlightened person in the world in three months. Keep that in mind and surrender something, anything, on a daily basis.

10. Embrace the unknown. – Over the years you formed likes and dislikes; you learned to accept certain limits. None of this is the real you. The unknown is awaiting you, an unknown that has nothing to do with the “I” you already know. Some people reach the edge of illusion only at the moment of death, and then with a long look backward, one lifetime seems incredibly short and transient. The part of us that we know is the part that flickers out all too fast. When you feel a new impulse, an uplifting thought, an insight that you have never acted upon before, embrace the unknown. Cherish it as the newborn baby. God lives in the unknown, and when you can embrace it fully, you will be home free.

source –

Mastering Intent

by Matthew Webb –

There are many ways in which intent can be observed in action, and therefore many examples with which to describe it in accurate detail. Such description is, needless to say, quite useful when endeavoring the mastery of intent.

One such way to know intent is through the various feelings in the body, (and aura, of course). Change your intent, and so too do feelings shift accordingly.

Another is the close and subtle observation of one’s thoughts. Behind every thought is an intent. Intent directs the course of your thought line at all moments, a fact that supercedes the “science” of psychology’s concept that mind is a pattern of thought. Mind, (tonal) is only a memorized pattern for as long as we have not yet realized the TRUE source of thoughts, which is intent. Change your intent and thoughts shift accordingly.

Intent can be observed in person to person relations every day on a psychic/feeling level. Change your intent and you will effect others differently.

Intent is also a collective force, such as can be observed in a mob or other crowd. When the combined intent of a mob is focused upon a person or persons, they KNOW it as an unmistakable psychic pressure exerted upon them, especially if that mab is hostile. The reverse example would be the psychic effects of being in the midst of a supportive group which has the intent of love. Compare these two examples and it becomes quite clear that the type of intent employed has very distinct effects.

Examples of what can be said about intent

1) It is ceaselessly functioning within us, and is behind every thought, emotion, decision and action.

2) Intent directs awareness as to how and upon what it will focus.

3) Because intent directs awareness and awareness patterns energy as a result, energy follows intent. The act of creation, (manifestation) is the implementation of intent.

4) Intent is a body-wide consideration. When we coordinate the feeling/intent elements throughout the body as a harmonious whole, our personal power is greatly increased. Using these feelings as a guide or feedback device, intent can be shifted in any part of the body, both temporarily and permanently. For instance if there is chronic fear in the area of the heart of a person, this knowledge of intent allows them an opportunity to change this condition at will. To do this they would need to focus on the fear in the heart, and INTEND that feeling to be elevated, ultimately to one of love, for instance. Such a transformation is well within the power of any person to implement, and is a step along the way to the Mastery of Intent.

Intent can be shifted as a “field effect”, not just within the body. When one learns to shift internal intent elements, this process is not unlike the shifting of the intent elements at large.

Many other examples and specifics can be given…. The term “Mastery” does indeed imply a level of consciousness, just as a 60 watt bulb emits a level of photon release that is superior to that which is emitted by a 20 watt bulb. The term “level” here is used much as it would be in the science of physics. Another physics metaphor for Mastery would be the term “Escape velocity” whereby a minimum threshold of thrust is applied in order to get beyond the gravitational force of the earth. Either you have this amount of energy or you don’t, and that limitation is not imposed by human made ideas of hierarchical relationship. It is imposed by the reality at large. The same may be said of Mastery.

“Mastery” in the spiritual sense has nothing to do with hierarchy, only degree of attainment. The Master is not interested in comparisons of one person to the next except perhaps to illustrate what is needed along the spiritual path.

Much like describing the wind, to speak of intent is as you said a matter of describing it’s effects. However, the wind can also be measured in terms of velocity, direction, the interaction of hot/cold air fronts, particulate content etc. The same is true of intent. Intent can also be described, experienced, and implemented in terms of degree, type, length of focus, manifestation, group action, and daily activities.

The study of intent is therefore a science just as much as it is a mystical consideration. There are just as many ways both valid and concrete, to study and master intent as there are to study and accurately predict the particulars of meteorology.

The electric bulb analogy was meant to convey a matter of energy level. 20 Watts may indeed do well in seeing one’s face in the mirror, but when it comes to spiritual practitioners, it CAN help to have the benefit of the brightest Guide one can find. The concept of having a “benefactor” is not unknown in many places in the globe, and at various times throughout history.

Such as; There are various traditions of spiritual thought and practice which employ the term “Master”. The ancient Vedic lineage for instance, of which Buddha and Mahavir were a part and which countless others have been revered for their insights, are an example. The same may be said of Taoism and various martial art schools in China/Japan, and probably the ancient Seers of Toltec, Mayan and other cultures. Interestingly, in India the act of “receiving the Darshan” of a Master, traditionally at an ashram or some other place of intensive spiritual focus, is a matter of absorbing the influence of the intent of the one so awakened. The practice entails meditating or simply sitting with the Master and being permeated by their aura/intent for the sake of accelerated personal evolution.

Discussion as follows… You said; “We can, indeed, describe the effects of intent! However, this is not a discussion of intent. Words are only a way to describe an item or an event. They are not the event, itself. Intent can only be experienced. “

Yes, words are only a description, not the thing in itself. If intent were unique to a given person and no others, then surely it would be something that could only be experienced and not described. However, intent is not unique to any one person…it is common to all of us.

“Take another example: suppose I have never eaten a peach. Could you tell me what it tastes and feels like? Not very accurately! One more problem: words are issued by humans. All humans are inherently dishonest. Words will always be biased and at least a little accuracy is lost in this way. Thus, I can claim that intent and its manipulation can only be experienced. “

If only one of us had ever eaten a peach then this would be true. But what happens when we have both eaten one? It is then that we can say that ripe peaches are sweet, juicy and even of varying degrees of freshness, acidity, how juicy they are, etc. Saying this has real experiential meaning, and notes can be compared.

Since we all have intent as an inherent aspect of the true self, this is something of a common experience for everyone here. Even in the writing of these replies we are employing intent, and the same is true of reading them. In making specific observations about this fact, such as realizing intent in action even at this very moment, and every moment thereafter, definite and specific details can be accurately obtained.

An example of such observation is to say; Intent is continuously functioning within, and is behind every thought, feeling and action we take. Intent is what focuses awareness first upon the computer screen and then upon the keyboard, and from seeing a scene to simply hearing it. Like the power of a muscle, intent is no given action, but the potential for all actions. Whenever we focus our intent/awareness on any part of the body, it is there that energy begins to accumulate, and in the manner of the intent that is so focused.

The reaction of others to our words, even though those words are repeated syllable for syllable on different occasions, differs precisely according to the intent with which they were spoken…etc. Both the soulic and physical bodies are made of intent elements. The second is to raise these intent elements so that one’s consciousness is progressively expanded.

The intent elements to be raised are those in ourselves, and those around the world at large. The intent elements within are not difficult to know and access, since each one produces a specific feeling somewhere in the body. The intent elements at5 large are similarly not difficult to know and access, when a practitioner learns to feel with their body in that way. Just as we can selectively listen to given conversation in a croded room, and then switch our attention to the room in general, so to can we learn to switch our feeling registry from ourselves to the fields at large. In other words, we can directly feel the intent at large, and on wider and wider scales.

The method of raising these intent elements is also similar in each case. We can raise the intent elements within to higher feelings. We can also raise the feeling/intent elements in others, or even whole “areas of effect” given the right employment of intent.

There are four specific steps which can be followed that form the basis for the shifting of intent at both the personal and field levels. They are as follows;

(for rendering internal change)

1) Be aware of your current state of body/mind, (this is accomplished through meditation).

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3) The desired state is held steady in the mind, (for at least 5 minutes). Visualize and feel this state as if it already exists, until the body/mind shifts into it.

4) The desired state is “held in place” throughout the body, (or a given chakra). This new state is maintained by treating it as the new reality of the self on a permanent basis.

Subsequent applications of the above four-step process render cumulative results. Be persistent! When raising intent elements at large, similar steps can be employed;


1) Be aware of the current state of World Mind, (this is accomplished through meditation, and a body-wide sensitivity to the feelings/Intent currently traveling around the globe. Just visualize the world and FEEL.

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended around the world, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3) The desired result and state is held steady in the body/mind, as though it already exists. The meditator superimposes the visualized result of higher world consciousness, upon the existing World Mind. Our focused Awareness acts to Create external psychic changes, by providing environmental energies with a pattern to crystallize around. [In this way our awareness may be compared to the lines of force exerted by a magnet upon iron filings] A re-patterning of global consciousness, in accord with personal, (or group) Intent, then begins to take effect. This initiates psychic changes in the nations of the world, first at the unified field, (subatomic) level of existence, and then subsequently at the material level of social policy. Awareness extends outward from the self, (or selves) into the environment, and according to ones’ visualized Intent. It causes the Energy there to conform to the desired changes. To accomplish this step in raising the world consciousness, the entire Earth is visualized. Also pictured is “the light of change”, which manifests positive Intent, (described hereafter).

4) The desired result and state is “Intended into place”, (and held there). The new pattern of consciousness, generated through focused Awareness at the direction of Intent, is now made manifest. This new level of love, clarity or other desired Intention is then stabilized, by treating it as the new reality of the World Mind. Psychic changes created in these four steps, are Intended into place as a lasting benefit for all of humanity, and/or for the Earth itself.

source –

Mastering Intent

by Matthew Webb

There are many ways in which intent can be observed in action and therefore many examples with which to describe it in accurate detail. Such description is, needless to say, quite useful when endeavoring the mastery of intent.

One such way to know intent is through the various feelings in the body, (and aura, of course). Change your intent, and so too do feelings shift accordingly.

Another is the close and subtle observation of one’s thoughts. Behind every thought is an intent. Intent directs the course of your thought line at all moments, a fact that supercedes the “science” of psychology’s concept that mind is a pattern of thought. Mind, (tonal) is only a memorized pattern for as long as we have not yet realized the TRUE source of thoughts, which is intent. Change your intent and thoughts shift accordingly.

Intent can be observed in person to person relations every day on a psychic/feeling level. Change your intent and you will effect others differently.

Intent is also a collective force, such as can be observed in a mob or other crowd. When the combined intent of a mob is focused upon a person or persons, they KNOW it as an unmistakable psychic pressure exerted upon them, especially if that mab is hostile. The reverse example would be the psychic effects of being in the midst of a supportive group which has the intent of love. Compare these two examples and it becomes quite clear that the type of intent employed has very distinct effects.

Examples of what can be said about intent

1) It is ceaselessly functioning within us, and is behind every thought, emotion, decision and action.

2) Intent directs awareness as to how and upon what it will focus.

3) Because intent directs awareness and awareness patterns energy as a result, energy follows intent. The act of creation, (manifestation) is the implementation of intent.

4) Intent is a body-wide consideration. When we coordinate the feeling/intent elements throughout the body as a harmonious whole, our personal power is greatly increased. Using these feelings as a guide or feedback device, intent can be shifted in any part of the body, both temporarily and permanently. For instance if there is chronic fear in the area of the heart of a person, this knowledge of intent allows them an opportunity to change this condition at will. To do this they would need to focus on the fear in the heart, and INTEND that feeling to be elevated, ultimately to one of love, for instance. Such a transformation is well within the power of any person to implement, and is a step along the way to the Mastery of Intent.

Intent can be shifted as a “field effect”, not just within the body. When one learns to shift internal intent elements, this process is not unlike the shifting of the intent elements at large.

Many other examples and specifics can be given…. The term “Mastery” does indeed imply a level of consciousness, just as a 60 watt bulb emits a level of photon release that is superior to that which is emitted by a 20 watt bulb. The term “level” here is used much as it would be in the science of physics. Another physics metaphor for Mastery would be the term “Escape velocity” whereby a minimum threshold of thrust is applied in order to get beyond the gravitational force of the earth. Either you have this amount of energy or you don’t, and that limitation is not imposed by human made ideas of hierarchical relationship. It is imposed by the reality at large. The same may be said of Mastery.

“Mastery” in the spiritual sense has nothing to do with hierarchy, only degree of attainment. The Master is not interested in comparisons of one person to the next except perhaps to illustrate what is needed along the spiritual path.

Much like describing the wind, to speak of intent is as you said a matter of describing it’s effects. However, the wind can also be measured in terms of velocity, direction, the interaction of hot/cold air fronts, particulate content etc. The same is true of intent. Intent can also be described, experienced, and implemented in terms of degree, type, length of focus, manifestation, group action, and daily activities.

The study of intent is therefore a science just as much as it is a mystical consideration. There are just as many ways both valid and concrete to study and master intent as there are to study and accurately predict the particulars of meteorology.

The electric bulb analogy was meant to convey a matter of energy level. 20 Watts may indeed do well in seeing one’s face in the mirror, but when it comes to spiritual practitioners, it CAN help to have the benefit of the brightest Guide one can find. The concept of having a “benefactor” is not unknown in many places in the globe, and at various times throughout history.

Such as; There are various traditions of spiritual thought and practice which employ the term “Master”. The ancient Vedic lineage for instance, of which Buddha and Mahavir were a part and which countless others have been revered for their insights, are an example. The same may be said of Taoism and various martial art schools in China/Japan, and probably the ancient Seers of Toltec, Mayan and other cultures. 

Interestingly, in India the act of “receiving the Darshan” of a Master, traditionally at an ashram or some other place of intensive spiritual focus, is a matter of absorbing the influence of the intent of the one so awakened. The practice entails meditating or simply sitting with the Master and being permeated by their aura/intent for the sake of accelerated personal evolution.

Discussion as follows… You said; “We can, indeed, describe the effects of intent! However, this is not a discussion of intent. Words are only a way to describe an item or an event. They are not the event, itself. Intent can only be experienced. “

Yes, words are only a description, not the thing in itself. If intent were unique to a given person and no others, then surely it would be something that could only be experienced and not described. However, intent is not unique to any one person…it is common to all of us.

“Take another example: suppose I have never eaten a peach. Could you tell me what it tastes and feels like? Not very accurately! One more problem: words are issued by humans. All humans are inherently dishonest. Words will always be biased and at least a little accuracy is lost in this way. Thus, I can claim that intent and its manipulation can only be experienced. “
If only one of us had ever eaten a peach then this would be true. But what happens when we have both eaten one? It is then that we can say that ripe peaches are sweet, juicy and even of varying degrees of freshness, acidity, how juicy they are, etc. Saying this has real experiential meaning, and notes can be compared.

Since we all have intent as an inherent aspect of the true self, this is something of a common experience for everyone here. Even in the writing of these replies we are employing intent and the same is true of reading them. In making specific observations about this fact, such as realizing intent in action even at this very moment and every moment thereafter, definite and specific details can be accurately obtained.

An example of such observation is to say; Intent is continuously functioning within, and is behind every thought, feeling and action we take. Intent is what focuses awareness first upon the computer screen and then upon the keyboard, and from seeing a scene to simply hearing it. Like the power of a muscle, intent is no given action, but the potential for all actions. Whenever we focus our intent/awareness on any part of the body, it is there that energy begins to accumulate, and in the manner of the intent that is so focused.

The reaction of others to our words, even though those words are repeated syllable for syllable on different occasions, differs precisely according to the intent with which they were spoken…etc. Both the soulic and physical bodies are made of intent elements. The second is to raise these intent elements so that one’s consciousness is progressively expanded.

The intent elements to be raised are those in ourselves and those around the world at large. 

The intent elements within are not difficult to know and access, since each one produces a specific feeling somewhere in the body. The intent elements at5 large are similarly not difficult to know and access, when a practitioner learns to feel with their body in that way. Just as we can selectively listen to given conversation in a croded room, and then switch our attention to the room in general, so to can we learn to switch our feeling registry from ourselves to the fields at large. In other words, we can directly feel the intent at large, and on wider and wider scales.

The method of raising these intent elements is also similar in each case. We can raise the intent elements within to higher feelings. We can also raise the feeling/intent elements in others, or even whole “areas of effect” given the right employment of intent.

There are four specific steps which can be followed that form the basis for the shifting of intent at both the personal and field levels. They are as follows;

(for rendering internal change)

1) Be aware of your current state of body/mind, (this is accomplished through meditation).

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3) The desired state is held steady in the mind, (for at least 5 minutes). Visualize and feel this state as if it already exists, until the body/mind shifts into it.

4) The desired state is “held in place” throughout the body, (or a given chakra). This new state is maintained by treating it as the new reality of the self on a permanent basis.

Subsequent applications of the above four-step process render cumulative results. Be persistent! When raising intent elements at large, similar steps can be employed;


1) Be aware of the current state of World Mind, (this is accomplished through meditation and a body-wide sensitivity to the feelings/Intent currently traveling around the globe. Just visualize the world and FEEL.

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended around the world, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3) The desired result and state is held steady in the body/mind, as though it already exists. The meditator superimposes the visualized result of higher world consciousness, upon the existing World Mind. Our focused Awareness acts to Create external psychic changes, by providing environmental energies with a pattern to crystallize around. [In this way our awareness may be compared to the lines of force exerted by a magnet upon iron filings] A re-patterning of global consciousness, in accord with personal, (or group) Intent, then begins to take effect. This initiates psychic changes in the nations of the world, first at the unified field, (subatomic) level of existence, and then subsequently at the material level of social policy. Awareness extends outward from the self, (or selves) into the environment, and according to ones’ visualized Intent. It causes the Energy there to conform to the desired changes. To accomplish this step in raising the world consciousness, the entire Earth is visualized. Also pictured is “the light of change”, which manifests positive Intent, (described hereafter).

4) The desired result and state is “Intended into place”, (and held there). The new pattern of consciousness, generated through focused Awareness at the direction of Intent, is now made manifest. This new level of love, clarity or other desired Intention is then stabilized by treating it as the new reality of the World Mind. Psychic changes created in these four steps are Intended into place as a lasting benefit for all of humanity, and/or for the Earth itself.

The School of Life

by Lura Genz –

Life can be compared to an enormous multileveled structure – a school-house filled with countless classrooms. Each classroom represents an intention – either acted upon or not acted upon. Some of the life lessons taught, and often re-taught, are mind-numbingly repetitive in nature. It seems we are slow to catch on to the lesson at hand. A larger classroom, if you will, awaits us when we acknowledge that ‘enough is enough’ and we determine to cease putting attention on non life-affirming situations. A willingness to move on: mentally, emotionally, spiritually; to surrender to the Divine within us whatever it is that keeps us bound to restrictive lessons that fetter spiritual freedom and growth.

ATTACHMENTS – One of the reasons we hold ourselves bound in such a non-advancing state is undue attachment: to a spiritual belief system that no longer inspires; continuing relationships with persons or places that cease to comfort and warm the heart; a job that holds us tethered for security reasons, although it is a daily grind and limits all creative flow. Or we can be stuck in resentments, blaming parents, siblings, others, for all the ills heaped upon us – looking back. back. back instead of accepting that life isn’t necessarily fair (as we see it) and letting go of passé negative restraints. By moving forward, we open ourselves to new vistas and opportunities. It’s never easy – saying goodbye to our attachments, even when they no longer honor us. This lifetime is precious; it must serve us well in all facets of our life.

Fear of change also keeps us bound to limiting parameters. The But what ifs… that paralyze our incentive to think outside the box of our own creation. We need to make a stand in the sand and face the fear. What’s truly at the heart of our concern?

So many self-imposed restrictions: feelings of inadequacy; fear of rejection; others disapproval of our decisions; feeling bound by an indebtedness to another that keeps us hostage to their wants and wishes, overriding our own hopes, interests, and desires.

There are other mind passions that also curb forward movement. Anger is one, and it is never pleasant, and it is never righteous. Anger separates and destroys and, if vehement enough – kills. It kills love, and all that has meaning in our lives. Another negative trait is vanity: a certain smugness and preoccupation with self that puts others last. There’s also greed: the insatiable ones who never have enough, who always need more. And lust: let’s not forget those whose lust for power, money, love, is so excessive it smothers all forward thrust. How can one move forward when he is forever stuck staking claim to his consuming desires?

When we can visualize a better tomorrow for ourselves by slowly, but surely, releasing the negatives that are holding us in place, we can then move on to the next plateau – the larger classroom – that is filled with more light and more love. It awaits us. It is already in place.

source –

The School of Life

by Lura Genz –

Life can be compared to an enormous multileveled structure – a school-house filled with countless classrooms. Each classroom represents an intention – either acted upon or not acted upon. Some of the life lessons taught, and often re-taught, are mind-numbingly repetitive in nature. It seems we are slow to catch on to the lesson at hand. A larger classroom, if you will, awaits us when we acknowledge that ‘enough is enough’ and we determine to cease putting attention on non life-affirming situations. A willingness to move on: mentally, emotionally, spiritually; to surrender to the Divine within us whatever it is that keeps us bound to restrictive lessons that fetter spiritual freedom and growth.

ATTACHMENTS – One of the reasons we hold ourselves bound in such a non-advancing state is undue attachment: to a spiritual belief system that no longer inspires; continuing relationships with persons or places that cease to comfort and warm the heart; a job that holds us tethered for security reasons, although it is a daily grind and limits all creative flow. Or we can be stuck in resentments, blaming parents, siblings, others, for all the ills heaped upon us – looking back. back. back instead of accepting that life isn’t necessarily fair (as we see it) and letting go of passé negative restraints. By moving forward, we open ourselves to new vistas and opportunities. It’s never easy – saying goodbye to our attachments, even when they no longer honor us. This lifetime is precious; it must serve us well in all facets of our life.

Fear of change also keeps us bound to limiting parameters. The But what ifs… that paralyze our incentive to think outside the box of our own creation. We need to make a stand in the sand and face the fear. What’s truly at the heart of our concern?

So many self-imposed restrictions: feelings of inadequacy; fear of rejection; others disapproval of our decisions; feeling bound by an indebtedness to another that keeps us hostage to their wants and wishes, overriding our own hopes, interests, and desires.

There are other mind passions that also curb forward movement. Anger is one, and it is never pleasant, and it is never righteous. Anger separates and destroys and, if vehement enough – kills. It kills love, and all that has meaning in our lives. Another negative trait is vanity: a certain smugness and preoccupation with self that puts others last. There’s also greed: the insatiable ones who never have enough, who always need more. And lust: let’s not forget those whose lust for power, money, love, is so excessive it smothers all forward thrust. How can one move forward when he is forever stuck staking claim to his consuming desires?

When we can visualize a better tomorrow for ourselves by slowly, but surely, releasing the negatives that are holding us in place, we can then move on to the next plateau – the larger classroom – that is filled with more light and more love. It awaits us. It is already in place.

source –

The Sacred Practice of Alignment

Becoming Light
by Julie Redstone –

In the language of light, and with the understanding that life is filled with the mystery of seen and unseen worlds, ’alignment’ is a practice which allows us to participate in the greater life of the spiritual universe by reaching toward the higher dimensions of light and by bringing light through from these dimensions into the physical reality in which we live. As we do this, we become more able to commune with God’s love, light, and truth and more able to experience ourselves in the larger context of the soul. Alignment creates a bridge between the purely spiritual part of our being and the physical. What is transmitted in the way of light along this bridge depends upon how clear we are in our energy, how much we have become able to free ourselves of both inner and outer darkness, and how open and desiring we are to become an instrument of divine Will and Intention.

A central part of the practice of alignment has to do with the breath. It is based on the understanding that breath is more than the taking in of physical air in order to bring oxygen to our blood and lungs. Breath is that, but it is also the carrier of light, and in that sense it is a sacred messenger which can infuse us with light, restoring and rejuvenating the body, heart, and mind when we need it, and maintaining us in a physical-spiritual equilibrium at all times. This kind of equilibrium is something we know little of today. However, as the body becomes increasingly capable of holding light, it will be understood that the spiritual-physical equilibrium that is maintained by the practice of alignment is how we are meant to live on the earth. It creates within us, the possibility for experiencing ourselves as sacred beings and for bringing to humanity and to each other the same truth.

The practice of alignment is less a technique than a way of being; less a tool, than a form of prayer. In essence it asks God and the higher realms to bring us into accordance with higher Will and sacred Intention so that we can serve the purpose of our soul and of Divine intentionality – the purpose for which we came to the earth. Each breath that we take can be the expression of this prayer – God, make me an instrument of Thy will. Each breath can also be in service to the earth so that we become able, as children of God, to bring to others and to the planet, that which will help it heal and that which will bring it more fully into the realms of love and light.

Where negative or discordant energies in the past may have entered the physical structure of our body, causing symptoms and areas of discomfort of various kinds, alignment with light and with Divine intention also opens us further to healing on the physical plane. It erases any negative or fearful energy that we carry before it has a chance to become embedded in our physical or emotional being, preserving health, and preventing symptoms from occurring. Today, this whole process is being made much easier by the greater presence of light on earth, and any person who seeks a way of expanding their awareness will find it easier to do than it would have been at any time in the past.

Though darkness upon the earth is affecting the lives of a great many today, with a great cost in sorrow and in human suffering, in the midst of this a new reality is being born. This new and sacred reality is asking us whether we are ready to step out of all previous identities we have held and that others have held for us, so that in the presence of greater light we can discover something that is more real about ourselves than we have known, and something that is more central to our hearts than we would have suspected.

’Alignment’ is a practice which allows us to participate in the greater life of the spiritual universe by reaching toward the higher dimensions of light and by bringing light through from these dimensions into the physical reality in which we live. As we do this, we become more able to commune with God’s love, light, and truth, and more able to experience ourselves in the larger context of the soul that we are.


Julie Redstone
source –

courtesy of

Play Outside the Box

Play Outside the Box
by Keith Varnum

Throughout my life as I witnessed the marvels of powerful teachers, shaman and healers, I found myself asking, “How’d they do that?”

“What was Mr. Rogers’ secret?” He seemed so quiet, retiring, passive—and yet events always went his way at the television station where he produced “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” In his presence, rambunctious kids and novice adult guests always seemed to know what to do and say without a script or rehearsal. Wild animals acted as if they were performing on some invisible cue. At the station, the conservative Board of Directors, reluctant management and stubborn studio crew all miraculously went “against character” to go along with whatever bold, visionary schemes Mr. Rogers put forth. “How did he disarm people’s opposition and bring out the play and adventurousness in rigid parents, teachers, staff and city officials?”

The esteemed American actress Helen Hayes could convey with vivid clarity to her student audience and me seven very diverse characters she was portraying on stage without any discernable difference in the way she dressed, gestured or carried herself. “What were her hidden devices? What keys to successful communication had she mastered?”

My macrobiotic mentor, Michio Kushi, could take a very intellectual, spiritually challenged audience on a profoundly electric journey of personal visions, physical healing and visceral ecstasy. “How did he change lead—stuck points of view—into gold—alive wisdom? What was he doing behind-the-scenes to catalyze such remarkably strong, experiential catharsis in each of the normally unfeeling, unresponsive students?”

I watched in amazement as Medicine Cloud, my Hopi medicine buddy, conjured up a drenching thunderstorm out of a totally blue sky to wash away the mud from the sacred red clay ritual he’d just performed on me. “Where did the pain and rash go so quickly, so completely? How could I feel so peaceful so fast when I had been so upset and depressed for a year?

“How did St. Germain physically appear at the foot of my bed when the doors to my house and bedroom were locked tight?” I had to touch his robe every tenth visit to make sure the Ascended Master standing there was solid and real. “How did he know my deepest, most secret thoughts that I had never expressed to anyone?” I felt so vulnerable, yet safe; so naked, yet open—when he directed his eternal, yet personal wisdom to me. “Why did I feel so calm, clear and courageous in his presence?” The profound feeling of absolute connection and aliveness has remained with me ever since his visits. “How was he able to communicate with me without his mouth moving? How did he project scenes of my life on the wall?”

“Why did my friends and I instinctively trust this mysterious Eastern teacher with our souls?” Muktananda was just some dark-skinned man from India we’d never heard of before this day. Our fears melted and our hearts opened to the Heavens with the sound of his laughter. Our inner beauty blossomed with the touch of his finger to our foreheads.

Jewish by birth, New Yorkish by nature, Lester Levenson looked like a cross between a mischievous 100-year-old leprechaun and a noble Native American Indian chief. He could charm the needles off a porcupine. And he would bring out more excitement, strength and insight from me in one day than I had encountered up to that time in my life. “What was his magic?”

Common Underlying Dynamics?

“How did all the shamans, acupuncturists, rebirthers, Reiki masters and other healers I’ve known pull off their miraculous cures?” In the aura and influence of powerful facilitators, I have witnessed many remarkable turnarounds in peoples’ physical conditions, financial wealth, mental attitudes and spiritual abilities. My whole life, I have asked Spirit the question, “How?”

Go to the Source

When I observed my very first extraordinary phenomenon in life, I decided to find out what was behind this and other wondrous occurrences. I concluded that the only way for me to ever really know what was going on was to open to the same level of magic in my own life.

Move Outside the Box

I quickly realized that to experience more magic in my life, I had to leave the life that I was currently living. I had to move “outside the box.” Act, not just think, “outside the box.” By definition, miracles occur outside our usual world.


All magic occurs beyond the boundaries of our current belief system. To experience something new, we need to ex-periment with reality. “Ex” in Latin means to go outside. “Periment” comes from the same root as “perimeter,” that is, boundary, border. To experience anew, we need to go outside the boundaries of our old box. With this intention and willingness, all is possible!

Ask Outside the Box

To get specific suggestions on what actions to take outside the box, ask for a suggestion from the part of your consciousness that is “outside of past experience.” If you intend to access this realm of your knowing, you can connect with it. It’s only a matter of what part of your consciousness you ask.

Again, intention and willingness are the key. Direct your attention and receptivity to the aspect of your being—knowing, essence—that is independent of past experience. Voila! Fresh, new answers, options, alternatives, outcomes … miracles!

Our Trusty Friend Intuition

And what is that part of our consciousness that is free of the past—free of fear, limitation and programming? Our intuition of course! Intuition by definition operates outside of the box. Do whatever you can to develop and nurture your clear connection to your intuition.

Walk Out of Your Old Reality

My shaman teachers told me that I could simply walk out of my old boxed-in world. Literally walk out of the box! At first, I certainly didn’t believe them. Freedom from old patterns and limitations couldn’t be that simple. Yet, I did it—and it worked! Not every time—but it worked with enough patterns to encourage me to practice and hone my skill. Now, with my actions guided by my intuition, I can walk out of old limitations that have served their spiritual purpose and value.

Know that the whole of your life—events, situations and people—has been secretly structured by your soul in order to bring you the experiences you want to have this lifetime. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to bring you goodness … because it is!


Keith Varnum –

Play Outside the Box

Play Outside the Box
by Keith Varnum

Throughout my life as I witnessed the marvels of powerful teachers, shaman and healers, I found myself asking, “How’d they do that?”

“What was Mr. Rogers’ secret?” He seemed so quiet, retiring, passive—and yet events always went his way at the television station where he produced “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” In his presence, rambunctious kids and novice adult guests always seemed to know what to do and say without a script or rehearsal. Wild animals acted as if they were performing on some invisible cue. At the station, the conservative Board of Directors, reluctant management and stubborn studio crew all miraculously went “against character” to go along with whatever bold, visionary schemes Mr. Rogers put forth. “How did he disarm people’s opposition and bring out the play and adventurousness in rigid parents, teachers, staff and city officials?”

The esteemed American actress Helen Hayes could convey with vivid clarity to her student audience and me seven very diverse characters she was portraying on stage without any discernable difference in the way she dressed, gestured or carried herself. “What were her hidden devices? What keys to successful communication had she mastered?”

My macrobiotic mentor, Michio Kushi, could take a very intellectual, spiritually challenged audience on a profoundly electric journey of personal visions, physical healing and visceral ecstasy. “How did he change lead—stuck points of view—into gold—alive wisdom? What was he doing behind-the-scenes to catalyze such remarkably strong, experiential catharsis in each of the normally unfeeling, unresponsive students?”

I watched in amazement as Medicine Cloud, my Hopi medicine buddy, conjured up a drenching thunderstorm out of a totally blue sky to wash away the mud from the sacred red clay ritual he’d just performed on me. “Where did the pain and rash go so quickly, so completely? How could I feel so peaceful so fast when I had been so upset and depressed for a year?

“How did St. Germain physically appear at the foot of my bed when the doors to my house and bedroom were locked tight?” I had to touch his robe every tenth visit to make sure the Ascended Master standing there was solid and real. “How did he know my deepest, most secret thoughts that I had never expressed to anyone?” I felt so vulnerable, yet safe; so naked, yet open—when he directed his eternal, yet personal wisdom to me. “Why did I feel so calm, clear and courageous in his presence?” The profound feeling of absolute connection and aliveness has remained with me ever since his visits. “How was he able to communicate with me without his mouth moving? How did he project scenes of my life on the wall?”

“Why did my friends and I instinctively trust this mysterious Eastern teacher with our souls?” Muktananda was just some dark-skinned man from India we’d never heard of before this day. Our fears melted and our hearts opened to the Heavens with the sound of his laughter. Our inner beauty blossomed with the touch of his finger to our foreheads.

Jewish by birth, New Yorkish by nature, Lester Levenson looked like a cross between a mischievous 100-year-old leprechaun and a noble Native American Indian chief. He could charm the needles off a porcupine. And he would bring out more excitement, strength and insight from me in one day than I had encountered up to that time in my life. “What was his magic?”

Common Underlying Dynamics?

“How did all the shamans, acupuncturists, rebirthers, Reiki masters and other healers I’ve known pull off their miraculous cures?” In the aura and influence of powerful facilitators, I have witnessed many remarkable turnarounds in peoples’ physical conditions, financial wealth, mental attitudes and spiritual abilities. My whole life, I have asked Spirit the question, “How?”

Go to the Source

When I observed my very first extraordinary phenomenon in life, I decided to find out what was behind this and other wondrous occurrences. I concluded that the only way for me to ever really know what was going on was to open to the same level of magic in my own life.

Move Outside the Box

I quickly realized that to experience more magic in my life, I had to leave the life that I was currently living. I had to move “outside the box.” Act, not just think, “outside the box.” By definition, miracles occur outside our usual world.


All magic occurs beyond the boundaries of our current belief system. To experience something new, we need to ex-periment with reality. “Ex” in Latin means to go outside. “Periment” comes from the same root as “perimeter,” that is, boundary, border. To experience anew, we need to go outside the boundaries of our old box. With this intention and willingness, all is possible!

Ask Outside the Box

To get specific suggestions on what actions to take outside the box, ask for a suggestion from the part of your consciousness that is “outside of past experience.” If you intend to access this realm of your knowing, you can connect with it. It’s only a matter of what part of your consciousness you ask.

Again, intention and willingness are the key. Direct your attention and receptivity to the aspect of your being—knowing, essence—that is independent of past experience. Voila! Fresh, new answers, options, alternatives, outcomes … miracles!

Our Trusty Friend Intuition

And what is that part of our consciousness that is free of the past—free of fear, limitation and programming? Our intuition of course! Intuition by definition operates outside of the box. Do whatever you can to develop and nurture your clear connection to your intuition.

Walk Out of Your Old Reality

My shaman teachers told me that I could simply walk out of my old boxed-in world. Literally walk out of the box! At first, I certainly didn’t believe them. Freedom from old patterns and limitations couldn’t be that simple. Yet, I did it—and it worked! Not every time—but it worked with enough patterns to encourage me to practice and hone my skill. Now, with my actions guided by my intuition, I can walk out of old limitations that have served their spiritual purpose and value.

Know that the whole of your life—events, situations and people—has been secretly structured by your soul in order to bring you the experiences you want to have this lifetime. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to bring you goodness … because it is!


Keith Varnum –

Habits of Consciousness

Habits of Consciousness
by Andrea Hess

I am often asked what we can do to advance spiritually. But our Soul growth is not connected to what we do, but how we do it! The great enemy of spiritual growth is unconsciousness. Unconsciously, we merely react to our environment. But by practicing conscious awareness, we are able to make the powerful choices that align with our highest good. Here are five simple habits to cultivate your consciousness:

1. Breathe. It seems like such a simple thing, but nothing anchors us into the present more than a nice, deep breath. A breath can stop a frenzied thought pattern, and can create calm within a storm of emotion. A conscious breath gives us an extended moment, a chance to make a choice or take action from a perspective of peace and centeredness.

2. Set your intentions. The 30 seconds after you silence your alarm clock is an excellent time to decide on how you would like your day to unfold. What we do is not nearly important as the underlying intentions that accompany our actions. Who are you going to strive to be as you go about your business today? Is there something you’d like to master today? Is there a challenge you’d like to overcome? Is there something you’d like to remember to enjoy?

3. Ask for assistance. We are given so many spiritual resources, ready to support us and intercede on our behalf. All we have to do is ask! Don’t just pray on behalf of others – include yourself in your prayers. You will find that the act of asking for assistance crystallizes your intentions and brings a high degree of consciousness to the pursuit of your goals.

4. Send blessings. Did someone cut you off in traffic? Send them a blessing. Did you see an unhappy person today? Send them a blessing. Send blessings to those you love and to those that are challenging you. Bless all your life circumstances, including the ones you’d like to change. A blessing acknowledges that all your experiences are an opportunity for growth and evolution. You’ll be amazed at how powerfully your blessings can transform your life.

5. Open and receive. Many of us are so intent on service and giving. Remember, however, that whenever you receive, someone else has the opportunity to give. Allow others to bless you with their gifts, just as you bless them with yours.


(c) by Andrea Hess – Intuitive Readings
Intuitive Life Coaching/Classes
Soul Realignment™/Practitioner Training

Habits of Consciousness

Habits of Consciousness
by Andrea Hess

I am often asked what we can do to advance spiritually. But our Soul growth is not connected to what we do, but how we do it! The great enemy of spiritual growth is unconsciousness. Unconsciously, we merely react to our environment. But by practicing conscious awareness, we are able to make the powerful choices that align with our highest good. Here are five simple habits to cultivate your consciousness:

1. Breathe. It seems like such a simple thing, but nothing anchors us into the present more than a nice, deep breath. A breath can stop a frenzied thought pattern, and can create calm within a storm of emotion. A conscious breath gives us an extended moment, a chance to make a choice or take action from a perspective of peace and centeredness.

2. Set your intentions. The 30 seconds after you silence your alarm clock is an excellent time to decide on how you would like your day to unfold. What we do is not nearly important as the underlying intentions that accompany our actions. Who are you going to strive to be as you go about your business today? Is there something you’d like to master today? Is there a challenge you’d like to overcome? Is there something you’d like to remember to enjoy?

3. Ask for assistance. We are given so many spiritual resources, ready to support us and intercede on our behalf. All we have to do is ask! Don’t just pray on behalf of others – include yourself in your prayers. You will find that the act of asking for assistance crystallizes your intentions and brings a high degree of consciousness to the pursuit of your goals.

4. Send blessings. Did someone cut you off in traffic? Send them a blessing. Did you see an unhappy person today? Send them a blessing. Send blessings to those you love and to those that are challenging you. Bless all your life circumstances, including the ones you’d like to change. A blessing acknowledges that all your experiences are an opportunity for growth and evolution. You’ll be amazed at how powerfully your blessings can transform your life.

5. Open and receive. Many of us are so intent on service and giving. Remember, however, that whenever you receive, someone else has the opportunity to give. Allow others to bless you with their gifts, just as you bless them with yours.


(c) by Andrea Hess – Intuitive Readings
Intuitive Life Coaching/Classes
Soul Realignment™/Practitioner Training